Chapter 10

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Athanasia's first few classes went by quickly, before she knew it, the lunch bell rang. She slowly made her way to the cafeteria as her head was in a daze.

"Princess..." a deep voice suddenly whispered, "If you keep daydreaming like that, you're going to bump into someone."

Athanasia snapped out of her daydream, and she comes to find Lucas standing right in front of her with his head slightly tilted down and their faces inches apart. She blushed and moved back as she remembered the night before in the car.

"Your face is as red as a tomato you know? You don't have to make it so obvious that you like my handsome face." Lucas smirked while Athanasia made an annoyed expression. 'Just ignore him, he'll go away' she thought to herself as she continued walking towards the cafeteria without saying a word.

"Did my beauty make you too stunned to speak?" Lucas said as he walked behind her, Athanasia continued to ignore him.

"What happened to repaying me for last night?" He continues, "Actually, I do have a favor to ask if you don't mind." Athanasia stops and looks at Lucas with a serious expression.

"What is it?"

"This job might be too much for the princess so it's fine if you don't want to do it but, Fera told me the cafe is going to be really busy tonight and to find someone to help out, you'll be paid of course."

Athanasia's eyes light up, "I can help out at the cafe?" she says excitedly, she's rarely had to do work and always wanted to try serving people in a cafe.

"Why do you seem so excited... well anyway, I'll text you the time to come to the cafe, thanks, princess," Lucas says as he walks away.

Lucas POV
'I didn't expect her to say yes, she even seemed excited for it...'
Lucas' cheeks a tint of pink to them as he happily grinned.


At the Cafeteria

Athanasia saw her cousin sitting at one of the tables, as she walked closer Athy noticed Jeanette was on a phone call and had a horrid expression on her face, as if she saw a ghost.

Athanasia quickly ran over to see what's wrong, "Jeanette?! Are you alright? What happened?" The brunette slowly turned her head towards her cousin as tears start to form in her eyes,

"Kiel... he-

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