Chapter 11

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"Jeanette what? What happened to Ijekiel?" Athanasia had her eyes wide, she knew she hasn't seen Kiel in a while and thought it was weird he didn't bother calling or anything after the accident but had completely forgotten to contact him. 

"Kiel's gone missing..."

"WHAT?! How? Why? Did someone kidnap him? Did he run away? What do you mean he's gone missing?" As Athanasia continues to ask questions, Jeanette bursts into tears, "I-I don't know, his father isn't saying anything more." Jeanette continues crying and Athanasia stands there in shock. 'How could he have gone missing? And why isn't uncle Roger telling us more? Something doesn't feel right...'

"Jeanette!?" Athanasia snaps out of her thoughts as she hears someone yell Jeanette's name, "Are you ok? Why are you crying?" It was Ray, his face was full of concern, he didn't care about who was looking, the only thing in his eyes was Jeanette. He gets a napkin and softly pats away her tears with one hand and the other hand holding Jeanettes hand as a way to comfort her. 

Athanasia put her hand on Jeanettes shoulder and put on a determined look, "Jeanette, I'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry, I'm sure Ijekiel is fine." 

"Yea... It's Ijekiel Alpheus after all! He wouldn't do anything reckless." Jeanette spoke to herself as she tries to calm down, she then looked in front of her to see Ray on one knee as he held her hand.

"Ah- I'm sorry I just-" Ray realized what he was doing, his face turned red, and was about to apologize before Jeanette interrupted him, "Ray, Thank you." She said giving him a warm smile, showing him that it's alright, from Rays reaction you could tell his heart melted from that smile. 

"Jeanette, what exactly did Uncle Roger say?" 

"I called him to ask how Ijekiels doing cause I haven't seen him in a while and he wasn't answering his phone, uncle hesitated before he said 'Jeanette... I don't know how to say this but, Ijekiel went missing a few days ago, I haven't heard from him since and we've been searching everywhere for him.' I asked him to explain by what he meant by 'went missing' but he replied with 'I can't elaborate further, I'm not even sure what happened to him...' I heard his voice crack as if he was about to cry then he hung up the phone."

"How about we go to his house later today and- wait no, I can't go today, how about we tomorrow and ask uncle some more questions?" Athanasia said with a smile, "Yea, we can go tomorrow but... why can't you go today?" Jeanette asks curiously, "She's helping me out at my family's cafe." A familiar voice suddenly joins in on their conversation, Athanasia turned around to see Lucas nonchalantly standing there, while Jeanettes and Rays faces are full of surprise.

"Wha- Don't tell me you rejected my offer to help out at the cafe becaus-" before Ray could finish his sentence Lucas cut him off  "Hm? Did you offer to help? I don't remember..." He puts his chin between his index finger and thumb and looks up at the ceiling as if he's thinking really hard.

"Lucas... how could you..." Ray looks at Lucas as if he's a puppy that just got abandoned by his owner, "You're right... how could I." Lucas says sarcastically as he shakes his head, "You heartless jerk." Ray was pouting, suddenly the two girls watching the two of them start giggling, "You two act more like siblings than friends." Athanasia says as she continues to laugh, "Right?" Jeanette adds on as she laughs.

The two boys looked at the girls and smiled. "Glad the princess is finding entertainment in my dear friends heartbreak." Lucas says as he makes eye contact with Athanasia.


The bell rang, they all went to their designated classes and continued their school day.

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