Chapter 8

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Athanasia, Lucas, and Fera all had dinner and were now in the living room chatting,

"Isn't it about time the princess went home?" Lucas said with an annoyed expression, "Lucas stop disrespecting our guest." Fera said back as Athanasia slowly stood up, "It's fine, he's not wrong, I'll call for my driver." Athanasia walked away as she took out her phone, as she was about to make the call, she felt someone tap her shoulder, "It's getting late and it might take a while for your driver to get here, how about I get Lucas to drive you home instead?" Fera said with a slight grin on her face.

"Why do I have to drive her?"

"Because I have work to do and I'm the one who invited her so I want to make sure she gets home safe."


"Lucas." Fera glared at Lucas


Athanasia was shocked, she never took Lucas for someone to take orders from anyone, but his sister was an exception. 

Lucas sat in the driver's seat and Athanasia sit in the passengers' seat beside him, 

clack clack

"Uhm... Lucas..." She looked at Lucas in embarrassment, "I think the belts stuck..." Lucas looked at the girl with a blank expression and sighed, "Princess, do you not how belts work?" He said he leaned over to help her, "It's just that-" before she could finish her sentence, the upper body half of Lucas was now leaning over her and their faces were only a few centimeters apart. Lucas was looking down at Athanasia and she started blushing, he seemed to be entranced but her eyes, he started to lean closer "L-Lucas?" Athanasia blurted out, she closed her eyes with her blushing face then suddenly felt a flick on her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Lucas smirking, "Did you think I was going to kiss you?" he asks he puts on his belt, Athanasia's face is as red as a tomato now, she didn't answer his question and stayed silent.

20 minutes pass and they're in a traffic jam, 

"Princess?" no answer. 

"Are you asleep?" no answer.

Lucas looked over to Athanasia, he thought she was ignoring him but turns out she was asleep, he sighed while looking at her, "You really haven't changed..." he slowly leaned over to her and gave her a peck on the forehead, "Thank you" he whispered.

Sorry for any grammar errors, I'll make sure to fix them later.

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