Chapter 15

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Lucas is by the front door turning over the "CLOSED" sign, I text Lily letting her know that I'm staying at a cafe studying and I'll come late so doesn't need to send a driver to pick me up. 

I get up from my seat and look around the cafe, "So, what's there to do around here?" 

"Well... you ever try baking before?"

About an hour passed and in front of me and Lucas is a messy kitchen, a tray of cupcakes, and icing-filled piping bags. "Who's going to clean this up?" I ask, "We can figure that out once we're done decorating." He grins. I realized that the only facial expressions he has are either his grinning or his neutral face.

I pipe a smiley face on my cupcake while Lucas pipes his with regular swirls. "Hey so, have you heard any news about your friend?" I immediately freeze, right, Ezekiel, how did I forget? How COULD I forget? "Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up..." I don't answer Lucas because, for my own selfish reasons, I really wish he never had brought it up. I really care for Ezekiel but right now, we were having such a great time, it pains me to remember. "It's going to be ok princess, I can promise you that." He put his arm around my shoulder and holds me closer to him. 

"You don't have to say anything, I understand, I'm sorry."

We stay like that for a few minutes.

Silence with rain in the background.

Lucas holding me.

I'd wish we could stay like this forever, but nothing's forever. I hear my phone buzz and that shocks both of us, Lucas lightly pushes me away as I pick up my phone to see who it is. 

Unknown Number: Sent 5 Images

My heart drops as soon as I see the pictures, my hands start shaking and I can't breathe. I'm used to stalkers, I'm used to getting sent pictures of myself from random numbers, so why, right now...



"My baby... what happened"

I open my eyes to see mom again, this must be that dream again. It feels so real, she's holding me with tears in her eyes. 'Don't cry mom' I want to tell her, but I can't find the energy to speak. I just want to lay in her arms and embrace her warmth as I slowly drift back to sleep.

I wake up again, but this time I don't know where I am, an unfamiliar room, a comfy bed. "You're awake princess?" I get startled by Lucas' sudden appearance, "Where are we?" I saw as I slowly sit up on the bed. "My bedroom" my face drops as soon as he says that. 

"What happened? Why am I in your room? What time is it?" 

"Calm down with the questions, you blacked out at the cafe and I doubt you would want me to call the hospital so I took you to my place, it's been about an hour since you blacked out and my family doctor will be here soon. You know, for a princess you've got quite a weak body."

I look down at my feet, "Thank you, for not calling the hospital and for going through all this trouble." 

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