Chapter 4

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Athanasia's and Jeanette's bodies almost fall off their seats, if it wasn't for their seat belts they would've terribly injured from slamming head-first into the passenger and driver's seats.

"MADAMES ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" The driver quickly got out of the car and went to check on the two ladies. "Y-Yeah I'm fine" Jeanette answered and turned her head to look at her blonde cousin.

Athanasia was pale as a ghost, her face looked hot and she was sweating while trying to catch her breath, her eyes wide with her hand over her chest "HAHH HAHHUH"

"ATHY" Jeanette panicked not know what to do, she pats her back and pulls her into a hug, "It's ok, calm down." Athy then loses consciousness and her head falls onto Jeanette's shoulder.

Where am I? Where's Jeanette? Why is everything so dark?

"JEANETTE? Where are you?" no response.....

Music starts playing



Athanasia slowly walks towards where the music was coming from, her eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands, trembling at what she saw.







"M-mother?" Athanasia called out as she saw a tall, blonde woman dancing. There was light coming from the woman, almost as if she was some goddess. Flowers around her emphasizing her beauty.

Athanasia was in tears, she couldn't believe her eyes

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Athanasia was in tears, she couldn't believe her eyes. She called out once more "Mama?" it didn't seem like Diana could hear her.

Athanasia fell to the ground, on her knees,

Is that really mother? What is she doing here? Is this some dream? ... Right this must be a dream, mother passed away 10 years ago...

"Athanasia?..." The tall blonde woman stopped dancing as stared at the young girl on the ground with wide eyes. "M-mama?" Diana suddenly starts to run toward Athanasia to embrace her.

"I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry"

She continued while tears run down her face.

"I'm sorry I left you"


Athanasia wakes up and stares at the ceiling

'Was that really just a dream?'

The young girl turns to her side and curls up sobbing.

"Athanasia?" A man with a deep voice calls out.

Athanasia looks up to see a tall man with blonde hair and blue jewelled eyes like hers, "Father?"

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