Chapter 7

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Athanasia decided to ignore him, she starts to make her way to the door when she was stopped by someone grabbing her hand.

She turns around to see a girl, she had raven black hair and red ruby eyes, similar to someone else she know, her eyes were sparkling and she was happily grinning as if she just met her idol. "YOU WERE SO COOL JUST NOW UNNIE."

"Unnie?.."Athanasia was surprised, although people do mistake her for being older than she actually is, the girl standing in front of her was clearly older than her, she chuckled slightly and blushed a little from embarrassment.

"Fera, can you stop bothering our customers and get back to work?" Lucas approached us looking a little irritated, "How many times have I told you to call me noona?" The girl glared at Lucas, "I have no reason to call someone 'noona' when you're misusing 'unnie' on a girl that's much younger than you." Lucas rolled his eyes as the girl turned her head to look at Athy in surprise.

"Do you two know each other?" Fera asked both Lucas and Athanasia, "Yea-No. We don't." Lucas cut off Athanasia and answered for her, Athanasia made a confused face as Lucas continued to glare at Fera. Fera smirked at Lucas, she knows he's lying, and then turned to Athanasia, "Anyways, let me introduce myself, I'm Fera and this grumpy kid over here is my little brother Lucas. My family owns this cafe." She said as she ruffled Lucas' hair. Athanasia chuckled at how cute their relationship seemed.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Athanasia, just call me Athy." Athanasia didn't bother saying her full name as Fera didn't introduce herself with her full name either. "Thank you for earlier, you really scared off that creep, I'm sure he won't come here again. I'd like to repay you for your troubles." 

"It was no problem, you don't have to repay me." Athanasia said but Fera seems to be in her own world. "AH- I KNOW!" Fera suddenly says, "Why don't you come over to our house for dinner?" Athanasia and Lucas were shocked by the invite, 

"Fera, you don't have to go that far, you're probably inconveniencing her, she said we don't have to repay her so just let it be." 

Athanasia takes out her phone and texts someone, "My family is alright with it, are we going straight to your house right now?"

Lucas stares at Athanasia, speechless.

At the Obelia mansion

"Seems as though Athanasia is going to her friends' house to have dinner," Claude says while looking at his phone. "Inform the chef to only make dinner for two today." "Yes, sir" A man with red hair responds, "She's growing up too fast..."

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