Chapter 3

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'hello, thIs is Kdc duct cleaNing, we are texting yOu because it has come to our knoWledge that you haven't gotten your ventS cleaned in a while. currently, we are having a 20% Off deal. this offer is only valid till March twEnTy tHIrd. we advise you to coNtact us soon as the offer will soon be endinG. thank you.'

Athanasia sighed in relief as it was just a possible scam duct cleaning message. She noticed Lucas still staring at her phone in confusion,

"There's nothing here to see." she said while pointing her phone at Lucas.

"No... look at the way the words are written..."

Athanasia looked at her phone once again, 'It does look odd...'

The brown-haired boy suddenly walked towards Athanasia and Lucas and looked at what was on Athanasia's phone. He takes out a notebook with a pen out of his bag and writes down all the capitalized letters,

"I-K-N-O-W-S-O-M-E-T-H-I-N-G ?" The boy said, Athanasia and Lucas suddenly looked up.

"Ah, sorry for the late introduction, I'm Ray Alearow, 2nd year." He said with a smile with a tint of red on his cheeks. "Pleasure to meet you, Ray, you may already know this but I'm-" before Athanasia could finish, Lucas cut her off.

"We can get to introductions later, Ray pass me the notebook" Ray gave Lucas his notebook with an irritated face. "I know something? pfft hahaha," Lucas broke out into laughter, "if they wanted to sound like an amateur they sure did well" he continued with an entertained look.

He wiped his tears and looked at Athy, "Well? What do you make of this." Athanasia looked at him with a blank expression

"bahaha, even the princess is unphased, they really think they did something with the odd wording" Lucas continued in a sarcastic voice. "Princess?" Athy looked at Lucas "Hmmm? Well, you are practically royalty compared to everyone here arent you? Besides, 'princess' is easier to say than 'Athananaia' or something."

Ray puffed his face, "Her name's Athanasia NOT 'princess' unless she gives you permission, don't call her that." Lucas looked at ray then looked at Athanasia and smirked, he leaned closer to the girl,

"Well, princess?"

"I- ATHY!" Athanasia was interrupted by her cousin running towards her.

Jeanette looked out of breathe as she finally stopped in front of them. "sa-sorry im late, someone ditched their clea-AH LUCAS? Why are you here? You know me and Ray had to do more work because you didn't show up, I had to go find our teacher to tell her too and you made Athanasia wait for me. Why are you with Athy? If you think you can play with her and get awa-"

"Jeanette, calm down." Athanasia interrupted, "I got some dumb message, Lucas and Ray were helping me." Jeanette made a worried expression,

"A message? Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just some idiot trying to get the princess' attention" Lucas replied while making an annoyed expression, Athanasia nodded in agreement ignoring the 'princess' part "Don't worry Jeanette, I'll tell brother and father if anything else happens".

Meanwhile, Ray was starstruck as two angel-like women stood in front of him. Although he was a little hurt by the fact that Jeanette didn't notice him, it felt like dream to him to have them standing this close to him. Although it didn't last long when Lucas opened his mouth,

"Let's go, Ray, you said you still haven't done your assignment right?" Ray's face turned red, as he noticed Jeanette turn her head to look at him. 'Haaaaa.. did he really have to mention that in front of her?' He thought to himself.

"Ah, thank you for helping Athanasia," Jeanette smiled at Ray "If it's our science assignment that you haven't done, can we do it together? I still have a bit more work to do, and I can also help if you want."

"ah- um- I- wait- uh-" Lucas sighed, "Here's his number, just text him the location and time," Lucas said as he wrote down Ray's number on the notebook and ripped off a part of the page. Jeanette glared at him as he handed over a scrap of paper with Ray's number, "Stay. Away. From. Athanasia." she said as she put the number in her pocket and grabbed Athy to the exit.

"W-wait Jeanette, what about Kiel?"

"Ah, he left earlier, he said something came up. It was a little strange though, he looked a little pale. Maybe he was sick? But he was fine this morning..." Jeanette continued, "I'll try calling him later."

The car ride was quiet, both females were off in their own thoughts thinking about a certain boy (each for different reasons of course), Athanasia was wondering about Jeanette and Kiel acted around Lucas, meanwhile, Jeanette was filled with worry about how close Athy and Lucas seemed.

"Hey, Athy-


The car suddenly came to a stop

To be continued 😊

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