Chapter 12

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After school at the Obelia mansion

"Father, did you know about Kiel?" Athanasia asks Claude, almost furious that he didn't tell her. "..." Claude doesn't answer, "DAD!" she suddenly yells, "I did... but it's not something you should concern yourself with." Claude avoids eye contact as he continues, "It's too dangerous, Athanasia please just-"

"Dangerous? Why is it dangerous?"

"I..." Claude hesitates before continuing, "You're too young to know this, just... forget it..." Claude says as he walks into his office and locks his door.

'Too young? Someone I care about is in danger and he tells me I'm 'too young'?'

Athanasias' phone rings, it's Lucas, "Oh my god- I almost forgot about the cafe." she answers the phone, "Lucas I'll be right there." she as she hangs up on him before he could say anything, she rushes to get ready and get the driver to drive her to the cafe.

She opens the door to the cafe and sees a Lucas by the cash register taking someone's order, "Lucas! Sorry, I'm late." Lucas finishes taking the order and the customer goes to sit at one of the tables, "It's fine," he takes out an apron for Athanasia to wear, "Put this on, I still have time to teach you the ropes before the cafe gets busy." 

As the cafe started to get busier, Lucas Athanaisa and 4 other workers, started to rush to get things done.

2 hours later

"Hey Lucas," Athanasia looks over at Lucas, it wasn't as busy as it was earlier so their co-workers suggested that the two of them take a quick break.

"mm?" Lucas answers, they were sitting in the staff break room, it was a small square room, inside there was a white foldable table along with 4 foldable chairs, one on each side of the table.

Lucas and Athanasia were sitting across from each other, "Why's it busy today? Is it normally like this?" Athanasia looked at Lucas who was making a tired expression, "Yeah... we were short on staff today cause of the festival happening downtown." He lazily answers.

"Oooh, I heard some people talking about the festival at school earlier today, they said it goes on for the next five days and there's going to be a huge firework show on the last day at midnight." Athanasia was suddenly full of excitement thinking about the festival, "That right," Lucas says as he rests his chin on his arms that are on the table and shifts his eyes toward Athanasia,

"did you want to go on Friday to see the fireworks?"

The girl nods as she makes a sad expression, "I have some work to do though so I probably won't be able to go."

"School work?"

Athanasia slowly shakes her head, "I found out that a friend of mine went missing, I'm going to try to investigate his disappearance since my father isn't telling me anything."

"Your friend went missing? Did he get kidnapped?"

"I... don't think so... although I'm not entirely sure, I have a feeling this isn't a kidnapping..."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... one, he's the cautious type, he isn't someone you could easily kidnap, and two, last time he was seen by Jeanette, she said that he had to talk to the student council president about something, whatever happened to him, I get the feeling it's something related to that day."

As Athanasia got lost in thought, thinking about what could've happened to Ijekiel, Lucas continues to stare at her, as if he had something he wanted to say.

They both get startled by the sound of someone opening the door, "Hey you two, what's with the tense atmosphere in here." Fera says in a joking manner.

"When'd you get here?" Lucas asks, "Jeez what's with your tone, show some respect." Fera looks at Lucas then switches her attention to Athanasia, "Athy! I'm so glad you came today, I actually got something for you on my way here." Fera says as she takes out a small plastic bag from her hoodie pocket, "Here try it on." Fera hands it over to Athanasia, "Ah, thank you, what is it?" Athanasia asks as she politely takes the plastic bag.

"Open it and see," Fera said as she winks at Athanasia and smiled.

Before Athanasia could open the packet, someone else came through the door, "Boss, we need you at the front."

"Ah, alright, Athy you can try it on!" Fera says in a rush as she rushes out the door.

"It's a necklace...a beautiful one at that..." Athanasia was holding a necklace, the pendant was shaped like a crescent moon and the necklace had two stars attached to it.

" Athanasia was holding a necklace, the pendant was shaped like a crescent moon and the necklace had two stars attached to it

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"Try it on." Lucas says, Athanasia nods in response and tries to hook the necklace at the back of her neck, she struggled for a minute before she looked over at Lucas, "Could you... help me?"

Lucas smirks as he gets up and walks behind Athanasia, he gently moves her hair to the front, leaving only her bare neck, then he takes the necklace from Athanasia and gently puts it around her neck, and locks the two ends together. He slowly leans forward, towards her ear and whispers, "Hey princess, you wanna go to the festival together on Friday?" Athanasia was startled and quickly turns her head to Lucas, "Wha-" before she could finish her word she realized that now her face is only centimeters apart from Lucas, Lucas was surprised by Athanasia sudden reaction but he didn't move, they both stayed in that position, staring at each other, "So, what's your answer princess?" he asks as he made a seductive face while looking into her eyes.

Athanasia had a slight blush, "Sure, let's go."

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