Chapter 5

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2 days ago
Athanasia was rushed to the hospital, and after a bit, the doctor that was checking Athanasia came out of the patient's room and walked towards Jeanette and their driver.

"Thankfully she's not injured anywhere but she is going to need to rest for 4-5 days. Do you know if she has any past traumas or mental health issues she's been dealing with?" Jeanette was about to answer the doctor before she heard the voice of a young man.

"Yes, when she was younger she was involved in a car accident, this incident may have had her have flashbacks to back then." Jeanette saw her elder cousin, Aether, walk towards them.

"A-Aether, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect her-" Jeanette broke out into tears.

"There wasn't much that could've been done, no one blames you for this." He patted Jeanette's head then glared at the driver while he mouthed to him 'we'll-talk-about-this-later'.

The driver went pale, he knew he'd be fired for making such a huge mistake but, there is no way he'll get out of this unharmed as he knew how precious the young miss is to their family.

Aether made a quick phone call to Claude to inform him that Athanasia was fine and that they'll have her brought home so she can rest there.

Present time

Claude decided to go check on Athanasia as he wasn't able to see her much due to work, when he opened the door to his daughter's room he heard quiet sobbing.

"Athanasia?" He blurted out and noticed the blonde female pick herself up to look at him.

"Father?" Athanasia slowly got up so she can greet Claude but before she could fully stand she get to hand on her shoulder lightly pushing her down as a sign to not get up.

"I didn't know you woke up, the doctor said you should rest for a few more days. Don't worry about school, we already informed them." Athanasia sighed,

"When did I get home? What happened?" Claude slowly sat down beside her and explained the situation.

'I see... I was out for two days... what time is it right now?' Athanasia wondered to herself.

"I know it's late and already past dinner time, but ill get Lily or the chef to make something for you." Claude stood up and walked to the door "You should eat in your room for today", he slowly closed the door and made his way to find Lily.

Lily almost immediately rush to Athanasia's room once she heard the news.

"Athy, does it hurt anywhere? Do you feel dizzy? Here have some water, the chef is preparing your food." Lilly made a relieved face as Athanasia slowly finished the cup of water.

'I wonder I should tell Lilly that I saw mother in my dream...

no... she'll start worrying if I bring up mother like that, maybe I should tell brother..?

probably not...

no, it's fine, it was probably just a dream, I don't think I should tell anyone for now.'

It's been a week and Athanasia has fully recovered, it was a Saturday so she decided to go to a cafe and do her work there. 

She entered the cafe and she noticed a familiar face, "ah- Lucas?", a boy with black hair raised his head to see Athanasia staring at him in awe, "Princess, what brings you to this commoners cafe? Did the Obelias go bankrupt?" Athanasia's face grew an irk mark, "I'll have a medium vanilla latte." "Not going to say 'please'?" "It's your job to take my order." "Has no one taught you manners?" As the two kept quarreling, a line built behind Athanasia "Are you two done?" They both snapped out of it once they noticed where they were, Athanasia's face turned red from embarrassment then apologized and went to her table.

'god he's so annoying'

'god she's so annoying'

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