Chapter 6

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Back at the Obelia mansion

Aether and Claude were sitting in the living room as they both go through documents,

"Was it them again?" Aether casually says as he continues to look through the document

"We took care of them after that incident... how could it be them..."

"They could've more underlings that we didn't know about... what's to say there isn't someone out there wanting revenge?"

"They couldn't be in their right minds if they wanted to mess with us"

"Shouldn't we look into this further? What if something like this happens again?"

"That's enough Aether." Claude put down the paper he was looking at and glared at his son, Aether emotionlessly looked at Claude and continued going through the documents.

The cafe

An hour passed since Athanasia's and Lucas' little quarrel,  Athanasia was sitting one of the window seats as she was reading a book that was assigned to read as homework, she was so sucked into the book she didn't notice when someone sat in the seat in front of her. 

"Hey missy, whatchu reading there? Why don't you put that book down and have some fun with me?" Athanasia looks up to see a man in a black hoodie and black beanie, his hair was overgrown and looked like it hadn't been cared for in years. "Apologies, but I don't recall ever inviting you to sit here?" She looked at the man in doubt, "You looked a little lonely sitting here and I had free time so I decided to join you, is there a problem?" The man said back with a smirk.

Athanasia sighed and rolled her eyes, acting like she's dealt with this before, "Since you have so much 'free time', can I ask you a question?" She innocently smiled at the man. "Sure babe, what is it?" 

"What's your name?" She asks as she takes out her phone, "Alexandro Marchian but you can just call me Alex" 

"Alexandro Marchian?" She says while looking through her phone, "Ah, 23 years old, blood type B positive, a Sagittarius, gambling addict, in debt, has-" 

"HOLD ON- HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND ALL THAT" the man went a little pale, quickly stood up furiously looking at the girl in front of her, Athanasia looked at the man and glared at him, "You dare interrupt me" Alex started trembling as he noticed who the girl was, "I-I-I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner, p-please forgive me, madame, I didn't want to disrespect the daughter of the Obelia family" He was kneeling on the ground begging for forgiveness. 

"Leave and never show yourself before me again" As soon as she said that, Alex got up and scurried out the door. 

Thankfully there were little to no people in the cafe, though there was an elderly couple and Lucas staring at her. 

"I may have overdone it a little..." Athanasia whispers to herself, she slowly starts to pack her things as she senses a familiar presence coming towards her, 

"Well done princess, didn't know you were capable of doing that," He said as he looked at her with a smirk and his arms crossed, "You just keep exceeding my expectations don't you"

(Sorry for any grammar errors, ill fix them later)

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