Chapter 2

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Upon arriving at school they Athy noticed many stares, some of admiration, some of envy and a few of confusion. "It's like this often, don't worry you'll get used to it." Athanasia expected this, as the Obelia family is well known.

While on her way to the first-year orientation, she bumped into a tall man. He had black hair darker than the night sky, and ruby red eyes. Before she knew it, she was caught staring at him. "Excuse me?" the boy spoke which caught Athy off guard "Ah- Uhm- sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going" The boy smirked "Then why were you staring?" he leaned closer to Athy as she got more flustered. Before she could reply, a hand came between them.

The red-eyed boy and Athanasia look to whom the hand was coming from.

"Sorry but, Athanasia has to go to the orientation," said the golden-eyed boy. Ezekiel quickly grabbed Athy's hand and brought her farther from the black-haired boy. "H-hey Kiel my hand" Kiel didn't hear Athanasia, he looked like he was in his own world. Kiel's grip got tighter on Athanasia's hand "ow" Athy blurted out.

Athanasia forcefully pushed Kiel's hand from hers, Kiel came back to reality and turned to see Athanasia looking at her hand.

"I-I'm- Athy sorry about that it's just that guy you were with doesn't have a good reputation," Kiel said looking at the ground ashamed that he hurt her.

Athanasia furrowed her brows trying to not yell at Kiel. She sighed, "Kiel, I know that you're worried about my safety but-" Athanasia was interrupted when she saw Jeanette walking over.

"You guys really ditched me huh? Now, Kiel, I know you haven't seen Athy in a while but don't try to snatch her away from me." The brunette said as she let out a giggle.

Athy sighed in relief, although what Kiel did wasn't right, she wasn't sure what she was going to say if Jeanette hadn't come by.

Time skip to Lunch
Athanasia was about to get lunch when suddenly her phone rang, it was an Unknown number. She simply thought nothing of it and put her phone away ignoring the call.

"Athyyy!" Athanasia turned her head to see Jeanette walking towards her with a big smile. "How's your first day of school going?" "Mmmmm... not as bad as I expected it to be." Jeanette slightly giggles "hehe did you think people were going to bother you a lot cause of our family?" Athanasia looked at her cousin before letting out a soft laugh and looking down with a slightly disappointed look "I know people are scared of our family because of the power we hold but still... if it continues like this how am I supposed to make more friends?"

"Well... you got me and Kiel? What more do you need?" Jeanette said while she used her elbow to nudge Athanasia. The blond female let out an eye roll and smiled a little as they go to get lunch.

"Where's Kiel? I thought he'd be joining us?" Athy asked her cousin. "The student council president wanted to talk to him about something so I guess he won't be coming" Jeanette answered. 'Kiel never said anything about being part of the student council? I'll ask about it later' Athy thought to herself.

Time skip end of the school

Athy was walking towards her locker while she pulled out her phone. She checked her messages and suddenly stopped

"77 missed calls from Unknown"

'Why is this person calling me so desperately? Is it some sort of prank call?'

Athy was lost in thought until she felt someone poke her forehead. She looked up and saw that same red-eyed boy she saw this morning. "Oi, you're going to bump into someone again" Athanasia's stepped back a bit remembering what Kiel told her.

"Haha, yeah sorry about earlier, I was in a bit of a daze," Athanasia said while scratching the back of her head, hoping he'll go away.

The boy looked at Athy with a straight face, not knowing what to say.

"Lucas!" A brown-haired boy with dark blue eyes yelled.

"I told you to wait up, it was your turn for cleaning duty today. Jeanette and I had to do more work because of you." Lucas looked at the boy "ah you did tell me to wait but, didn't you say something about liking Jeanette? I just wanted to give you two some alone time so I ditched" Lucas said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes but- huh? A-Athanasia?"

Before Athanasia could introduce herself she heard her phone ringing

bzzt bzzt

She opened her back and took out her phone.

Athy made an irritated expression as she bit her lip and look at her phone


The black-haired boy noticed her expression and decided to look at the cause, "Why do you just change your number?" Athanasia was startled as she saw the tall boy looking at her phone from above her head.

'Was his name Lucas? I'll ask Jeanette about him, they seem to be in the same class'

"Yes, th- bzzt" Before Athy could thank him she saw a new message.

New Message from 416*******

Athy had a bad feeling about this and decided to open the message.

Chapter 2 END

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