Chapter 17

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"Ashbridge. My family, my parents own the Ashbridge incorporation."

There was a subtle shift in the air between them. "Your family owns Ashbridge?" Athy whispered, her voice trembled a little. Lucas nodded as he sternly held eye contact with her. "Yes, I'm sorry to have kept that from you, I just never had the chance to mention it. Athanasia... if those pictures get discovered..."

Athy's heart quickened as she tried to process the gravity of their situation. Realization pops into her head, their friendship itself is forbidden let alone any of her desires beyond their friendship...

"We have to do something quick, we can't let these pictures get out." Athanasia declared with a tone of determination in her voice.

Whoever sent these pictures has a clear agenda, they seem to be using us as a pawn in their game. Lucas hesitates as to what they could be after. "We could confront them" Athy cuts Lucas' thoughts, "We have to find out exactly what they're after, the only way to do that is to confront them."

"It's risky Athy, but it might be our only move right now." His breath stiffens as he considers the risks, Athy's already passed out once because of this, who knows what might happen

"We have to be careful," she agreed, her voice firm. Lucas makes a determined expression as he reaches out to hold Athy's hand, "We'll do this together Athy," his gaze remains steady and unwavering, "I'll be right by your side, no matter what."

Athy's cheeks flush red at his words, and her heart skips a beat as she smiles, "Thank you, Lucas, I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered.

"We should get some rest for now," Athy suggests, though she's far from tired after what Lucas said. "Yeah," Lucas lets go of Athy's hand and scratches the back of his neck, "We can continue this tomorrow, goodnight Athy."

"Goodnight, Lucas," Athy replies with a faint smile.

She tossed and turned restlessly, her mind filled with thoughts of the situation with the mysterious sender. A few hours passed, and she was finally able to fall asleep.

The next morning Athy makes her way downstairs and greets Lucas, seems like both of them didn't sleep well last night as they both have a shadow under their eyes.

Lucas pours Athy and himself a cup of coffee as they sit down for breakfast. "Lucas, did you make all this?" Athy stares in awe at the plate, waffles, fruits, a side of syrup, all of Athy's favorites, "well..." Lucas has a slight blush on his face, "that's not important right now, let's discuss a plan," he avoids the question as Athy giggles.

"We need to figure out who's behind those pictures," he replied, his voice low. "And we need to do it fast." Athy nods, as she ponders possible suspects she remembers Ezekiel, "Lucas, this might be unrelated but I haven't seen Ezekiel in a while. Do you think he might somehow be involved?" Lucas frowns at the thought but he can't rule out any possibilities, both incidents happened too close to each other, so it may not be a coincidence "It's possible... But let's not jump to conclusions, we can keep that in the back of our mind for now but we'll need more evidence." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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