Chapter 13

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Time quickly passed and it was soon Friday, the day went by, as usual; Athanasia woke up, had breakfast, and went home, everything was normal other than for the tension between her and Claude. Athy still has a lot on her mind about Ijekiel, she did question people at school that Kiel usually talks to, to see if they know anything or if they've contacted him recently. Still, she doesn't have a clue about what happened to him.

"Princess, I know you're preoccupied about... your friend, but I hope you didn't forget about our date tonight." Athanasia was putting her textbooks in her locker when Lucas suddenly popped up, "I haven't forgotten, I was just about to call you to ask about our meeting location" Athy replies, ignoring him calling it a 'date'.

"We can meet at the cafe at 5 and walk to the festival," Lucas suggests and Athanasia nods in agreement.

Once Athanasia got home, reality finally hit her, "I'm going on a date with Lucas? ...I'm going on a date with Lucas." she whispered to herself in the bathroom mirror, her cheeks a little flushed from the realization.


Lucas POV

I finish a costumers order about ten minutes before she was supposed to arrive, which gave me enough time to change out of my apron and cafe shirt into a black bomber jacket with a plain white t-shirt, and black cargo pants with my white shirt tucked out. I step out of the changing room about to check my phone to see if she's arrived but before I get the chance I hear a sweet voice call out to me,

"Lucas!" I look up to see her, a baggy white dress going down her thighs but stopping a few inches before her knee, long wavy blonde hair put into a loose ponytail with a few strands framing her face, big sparkly blue eyes, a light tint of pink on her cheeks, with the corners of her lips curved up into a smile as she walks over to me.

"You're late," I say trying to gather myself together and showing her my phone screen.

"It's 5:01," she says squinting her eyes at me, "A lot can happen in a minute,"

"Like what?"

"A lot," I flicked her walking ahead and turning to face her again but with my hand out, "You coming?" she looked surprised for a split second then took my hand as we walked out of the cafe.

We had some light conversations while walking towards the festival, I don't what it is about her but just being next to her makes me relaxed as if the world disappeared and it was just the two of us left, even back then...

Some time passed and the sun already set, we were walking around looking at the stalls selling merchandise. On one hand, Athanasia was carrying a stuffed plushie of a black dog that I had won her earlier by playing cup pong at one of the stalls, "I had fun tonight..." she says breaking the silence and turning towards me,

"I had a lot on my mind because of my friend that went missing, I almost felt a little guilty having gone out with you today and having fun when Kiel could be in trouble but, I'm glad I came, and I'm glad you're the one who I'm with." She gives me a genuine smile, one I haven't seen before, it's different from what she put on at school or in the cafe... "Atha-BOOM" I get cut off before I could say anything, we both turn our attentions to the noise, "Fireworks!" Athanasia points to the sky with a smile of amusement, she grabs my hand and runs to get a better view in a less crowded area, "Lucas, arent they so pretty," she doesn't turn her attention away from the fireworks and doesn't let go of my hand, I tighten my grip on her hand and stare at her, admiring her beauty under the moonlight, "Yeah... it's quite pretty."

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