What If: Ayanokouji Group 2.0 Pt.2

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Sorry for not publishing a reaction chapter for a few what if's, shit's tough to write. I would rather write two what if's for one reaction chapter. But don't worry I'm just taking a break from writing some reaction chapters, I'm actually reading some reaction fics to reference.
Vote at the end of the chapter mmkay?
Anyway enjoy~

On our second day of school.

Well, I suppose technically it
was the first day of class, we spent most of our time running over
the course objectives. Apparently, many of the students were quite
surprised, if not a little disappointed, by how genuinely warm and
friendly the teachers at this school looked.

Some of my classmates are spending most of the class asleep.

I thought that the teachers would notice, but they showed no signs
of doing so.

After all, it was up to every individual student whether or not he or she wanted to listen in class.

I wondered if this was how teachers typically interacted with students once they left compulsory education.

I took in the relaxed atmosphere, and soon it was lunchtime.
Students stood up and left with their new acquaintances,
disappearing from my view.

I couldn’t help but feel slightly
envious as I watched them. Fortunately, I had managed
to befriend some classmates in the form of Sotomura, Wang and Sakura.

Horikita: "How pathetic." Only one person had noticed how I felt, and she met my pain with derisive laughter.

Kiyotaka: "What? What’s pathetic?" I asked. Apparently she must've had gotten me wrong.

Horikita: "I want someone to invite me along. I want to eat with
someone!’ Your thoughts are like an open book,"

Kiyotaka: "But you’re alone, too, aren’t you? Haven’t you thought the
same thing? Or do you intend to spend three years here without
making a single friend?"

Horikita: "That’s right. I prefer to be alone," she replied quickly,
without hesitation. It sounded like she was being honest. 

While we are bantering with each other, Sotomura, Wang and Sakura approached my seat.

Hideo: "Ayanokouji-dono, would you like to have lunch with us?" I can see the look of shock from Horikita's face, I was trying hard not to stifle a laugh.

Kiyotaka: "Sure." I looked at Horikita and directed some words towards her which only she can hear. "Bye~ loner-san." Standing up we're at the door when suddenly Kushida spoke and asked me something.

Kikyo(Kushida): "Umm... You're Ayanokouji-kun right? Are you close with Horikita-san?" This was honestly a bother because I was now going to have lunch with my new friends. I also sense some malice and ulterior motive coming from her.

Kiyotaka: "No, she's just a neighbor." Then I urged the group to continue walking leaving her in the dust.

Hideo: "Ayanokouji-dono, my guts say she's dangerous." For a instinctual guess, you're pretty accurate. Hats of to you.

We arrived at the cafeteria, picked some food, found a seat and started to eat.

I was sitting with Wang and at front of me was Sotomura beside him was Sakura.

Kiyotaka: "So... Are you guys planning on joining a club?"

Hi. Anyway I'm feeling down yesterday so I haven't published anything. This may be short but the continuation will be worth it. As I felt bad for not publishing a chapter, then I considered why not let you guys vote again?

Anyway. Should I let them join a club? If so what club? Should they create a new one? The other characters I will add will be coming joining if you guys do like it.

Comment here for the vote, what club and who's the next character I'll add. Take note that I won't count your vote if you don't vote here in this particular paragraph.

Anyway happy voting.
Love ya guys <3 #nohomo

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