What If: Kiyotaka On Drugs

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Chapter 1: Mystery Candy

A request from none other than Drditch , do thank him for this diabolical idea.




Kiyotaka PoV*

Late at night, I heard someone knocking on my door...

I turned and grabbed my phone if I was expecting someone, who might've had texted me on coming this late at night and there was none.

Weird I thought.

I stood up, and opened the door, what greeted me was a cardboard box.

I tilted my head as I'm not expecting any packages for today.

I checked the email address and it was for me.

Grabbing, and lifting it up, I dragged it into my room, closed the door and placed it into my table.

I grabbed a box cutter from my desk and opened it.

What's that smell? It's intoxicating.

I shrugged as I kept opening the box.

Then it revealed a plastic container containing some white powdery substance. The label was "Popping Candy".

I was a bit reluctant on eating a candy coming from a stranger's hands but I saw a note from behind the container.

"Eat the candies. -Haruka" As she was one of the few people I trust and her writings are indentical to the note, I should probably eat it.

But that action I would soon regret.

3rd Person PoV*

The man with brown hair was holding an empty container while walking towards his classroom, he was still on his night clothes as he didn't take a shower and definitely has not slept yet.

He was looking haggard, but why was he happy?

As he opened the classroom door everyone then turned to look at him, surprised at his appearance, his unkempt hair, haggard face, a creepy smirk, and panting coming from him.

Horikita: "A-ayanokouji-kun?" She muttered, concerned.

She approached the boy, her face showing genuine concern.

The boy ignored Horikita and just sat down and at his seat.

When suddenly... He...


Silence, a suffocating silence was overpowering the room as the boy was barking at the air.

Then, the boy sat down at the desk, and removed his clothes, button every button, sensually.

All of the girls were now looking away from the rude actions from the boy...

But still... He was still barking... While removing his clothes...

He then stopped and sat down again in silence.

Moving from concern towards her friend, Haruka approached the boy in order to get an explanation.

Haruka: "Umm... What on earth happened to you Kiyopon?" She asked while holding out her hand at the boy's forehead, checking his temperature.

Kiyotaka: "Mom?" He said. Then he added "Ah, thanks for the drugs you gave me last night thanks for that." He said thanking Haruka genuinely.

The girl was flustered as she didn't delivered anything ever to his room.

Haruka: "E-eh? Kiyopon? I haven't delivered anything." She said flustered as the girl was feeling the stare of her classmates.

Kiyotaka: "Are you concerned I would tell on you? Don't worry I won't tell our classmates." He said on a loud voice loud enough for even people outside the room can hear.

Then the boy looked around and noticed the stares.

Kiyotaka: "Bang!" He said while making his hand shape like a gun.

Kiyotaka: "RATATATATTATATATTAT!!!" He was now making himself look like a fool while using his imaginary rifle hit his classmates with his imaginary bullets.

He fell from the top of the desk with a thud, as his body was now asleep.

The classmates look dumbfounded as Kiyotaka lost consciousness.

Silence followed and they brought him to the infirmary.




Seriously when I was writing this I was only writing bullshit... But when I got to the RATATATATATATAT dialogue I laughed out loud xD.

1st request done then.

Look forward to the next :)

Love ya guys<3 #nohomon't

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