What If: Rent A Boyfriend

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Chapter 1: Financial Problems And Solutions

Many thanks to Akimi-chan10 For letting me use their idea :)




Kiyotaka PoV*

"I need money." I muttered, as I was now in desperate need of money.

I need something that gives a lot of pay for so little time, but I'm reluctant to use anything illegal.

Should I sell my body?

That would also be out of the question as it may be bring me some diseases...

Some other ideas are kind of sketchy so... I'm reluctant at trying them out, I'm already working part-time at a convenience store for apartment money but that would only get me far.

I'm currently in a cafe with Akito and Haruka, some friends of mine in highschool, we just graduated last year so I'm currently a college student.

"Hey, Haruka... Any jobs you can recommend me that can give me a huge pay?" I asked her.

She copied the thinker statue and just sat in silence till she decided to speak. "I dunno? Become a rental boyfriend or something?" She said while dismissing her idea.

"I dunno about you Haruka but Kiyotaka can pull that off with his face." Akito said, defending me from Haruka.

"Should I try it?" I asked the both of them, they both blinked at me from surprise and just shrugged.

"Well... It doesn't hurt to try Kiyopon, but are you sure you can handle a conversation?" She asked, concerned for my wellbeing.

"You don't really know this Haruka, but Kiyotaka is pretty amazing you know, if he tries hard." Akito said, defending me.

"Thanks for that Akito, but it really doesn't hurt to try right? I might as well just register." They both nodded at me and urged me to.

They both sat down beside me and I started browsing the internet for top ten best "Rental Lover App" luckily it showed one that was guaranteed by many others showing 10 million downloads.

I downloaded the app and accessed it.

I filled it up, from my name, height, specialty, anything that can be considered attractive to the eyes of girls.

Then the next requirement was now a profile picture.

"Well you might as well smile for that picture Kiyopon. As for your background picture why not the three of us?" She said.

I agreed and I tried my best to smile and clicked the shot button for the camera app and I got it. Pretty decent if I may say so, but I only managed a slight smile, but it definitely counts.

Noticing the unusual silence, I looked at both Haruka and Akito, who was now holding both of their noses from nosebleed.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked, concerned for my friends.

"Kiyopon, won't you consider me adopting you?" She said, with a serious face... Is she serious?

"Stop joking Haruka." I blankly replied. "But still will my profile picture work?" I said, with a sheepish tone.

"Dude a girl who won't fall for that smile may as be a homosexual you know?" He said, full of confidence.

"Thanks for the compliment Akito." I said.

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