What If: I'm More Than Friends With An Idol Pt.2

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Yep I too, didn't expect I was too motivated to write for Airi lmao.

Anyway repeat after me. "Appreciate Airi MF's!"


We are now on the cruise. I was with Ike and the group.

Ike: "Hey. Let's explore the ship guys!" He said that with enthusiasm.

Yamauchi: "Yeah let's go! Let's go pick up some chicks." He was way too motivated for this.

Sudo: "I don't know about picking up chicks, because I have Horikita. But let's go explore the ship." He was clearly on board with inspecting the ship.

Kiyotaka: "Ah sorry guys. Airi invited me already." With my words Ike, Yamauchi and Sudo glared at me with an intensity befitting of a murderer.

All of them tongue clicked at me and left leaving me behind.

I only shrugged at their reactions, as it was understandable as Airi asked me for a date around the cruise.

Not wasting a second I prepared and went off.

Arriving at the place I saw Airi and she waved at me.

Airi: "Kiyotaka-kun~!" She said those words with enthusiasm befitting of a fairy.

Her cute voice added with it's volume made us the center of attention.

Kiyotaka: "Let's go then?" I led the way as I researched that boys should lead girls on a date according to Internet-chan.

Arriving at a restaurant we ordered food. I saw some classmates glancing at us from time to time. Ike and his group was also eating but they seemed to lost the appetite as I'm flirting with Airi.

The food arrived shortly.

Airi: "Kiyotaka-kun. Ahhn~." With a cute voice which made everyone's attention towards us, she made her spoon made it's way towards my mouth.

I ate the food and I can hear tongue clicking around me.

I also counterattacked by feeding her too.

Kiyotaka: "Airi. Ahhn~." Looking at me from embarrassment, but she complied nonetheless.

Making her small mouth towards my spoon(AN: cough* cough*) I dodged the spoon at the right moment.

Airi: "Mouu~ Kiyotaka-kun is such a tease." Not gonna lie she made my heart skip a bit there. I fed her again this time with no tricks.

Kiyotaka: "You're really cute Airi. I enjoy spending time with you." She blushed at me and nods her head sheepishly it was cute.

She pouted at me because I over teased her. Her inflated cheeks made me want to pinch it as it looks like a cute hamster.

Which I did. But I only poked her cheeks. Which made her much more bashful at my actions.

Kiyotaka: "Yep. You're pretty cute." I couldn't help but let out a small smile. Then silence.

I looked around and saw girls blushing and boys glaring at me. What did I do?

I looked towards Airi but she looks lovestruck.

Yep she's definitely a beauty. I might just want to tease her all day and spend time with her forever.

Releasing this chapter after I think minutes of releasing the first one I gotta say made me think that you guys should simp for Airi.

Anyway love ya guys <3

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