What If: I Suddenly Turned Into A Girl Pt.2

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Before we get into the what if... Have you watched and listened to the video song called "Shelter"? Go listen and vibe to it. The song made me tear up a bit, the weather's fucken hot and I'm sad.

Anyway I'm not gonna update the other fic today as it's gonna be a long chapter, and as I felt bad I'll just publish in this fic for today :)

Enjoy the ride~ and the boings :)




Kiyotaka PoV*


After I left my room, I was greeted by the sight of Haruka.

She was confused by my appearance, I mean who wouldn't?

Haruka: "Kiyo... Pon?" She says albeit reluctantly.

I looked around outside my room, and saw no people except Haruka.

Good timing.

I pulled her inside my room. And told her to...

Kiyotaka: "Strip." She seemed confused by my words so I repeated it, "Strip." Then she immediately started to blush.

Haruka: "Wh-what are you saying Kiyopon!?"

I didn't want to see her body... But I do want to see a bit... But my reasons are pure.

Kiyotaka: "Can you lend me your bra?" She looked at me like she can't believe what I'm saying.

I then started stripping her clothes, she fought back but I unclipped her bra and with a click, her bras were now removed albeit still on her clothes.

Haruka: "Wait! Wait! Wait! Kiyopon! Explain it to me why you need my bras first!" She shouted at me.

It was a long story so I only stripped my shirt, and revealed my bulging badonkers to her, and how painful it feels being suppressed like that.

I unclipped my bras and showed her.

Haruka: "... Wow..." She seemed amazed at my size... Well as she is the biggest in the whole year, and I'm confident mine surpasses hers then she would mutter in amazemnt.

I then proceeded to strip her again while my badonkers was swaying back and forth.

Haruka then moved away at me.

Haruka: "Wait! Wait! I get it!! I'll strip myself."

I then waited for her to strip...

Kiyotaka: "Why aren't you starting then?" I asked.

Haruka: "Duh? You're still a boy inside so look away while we exchange bras." Like the gentleman that I am, I looked away.

But little does she know, I have a small mirror in the corner of my vision, I can see Haruka's body, her massive badonkers and her silky smooth body, how I imagine fondling that skin... Why is my mind like this? Aren't I incapable of perceiving lust?

I watched her strip show, while she was unaware that I can see her.

I felt my face soften and smiled creepily... Thank goodness my back was facing Haruka.

We then exchanged bras and I still feel the feeling of suffocation, albeit only a bit.

Then Haruka dropped me a question.

Haruka: "By the way Kiyopon. Who's clothes are these?"

Kiyotaka: "Ichinose's." I said flatly.

Haruka: "Eh?"

Kiyotaka: "Eh?"

Seems like this was a problem because Haruka couldn't believe what I said...




The weather is fucken hot and I can't bear it. I want to sleep but I keep sweating, my ice cream was eaten by my nephew so shit.

Anyway hope you enjoyed it :)

Love ya guys<3 #nohomon't
Stay Horny~

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