What If: Gacha Girls

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Chapter 1: Getting My First Gacha Girl.




Kiyotaka PoV*

In this world, there was no females, they went extinct, albeit only a few years ago.

The scientist were distraught as this may start the extinction of the entire human race.

Luckily, a god answered our plight, the god gave a person a female to spend our lifetimes with...

In the form of gachas...

As I am now 16, I'm attending ANHS, all boys at this particular age, are given their gacha id's to meet their own gacha partners.

A male is not restricted to only one partner, you can use the gacha anytime, but if you've lift your upper limit of girls to spend your lifetime with, it won't increase.

I'm now lining up, at the post office, I'm with Akito and Keisei.

Akito: "I wish, I'll have atleast a beautiful girl." He said, clearly nervous from his tone.

Keisei: "Well there was rumors that the more smart and athletic you are the more chances you'll get a SSSR drop, or so they say." He said with a shrug at Akito.

Yes, the rumors wasn't false, I was made into a perfect human being in order to collect not tens but hundreds of gacha girls.

AN: the white room's reason seems pointless xD

The line thinned up until it was only our group left.

Akito took a step, nervous a bit, but as he was a former deliquent his face did a 180 and was now full of confidence, also as he was also a former chuunii he can't hide his excitement from his smirk.

He was given a device, a smartphone.

He took it, and shouted with all his might, till he clicked the screen.

A yellow flash was now emitting from the smartphone, it was blinding as everyone from the room closed their eyes.

The blinding light soon faded away and what's on Akito's hands... He was now carrying a beautiful office lady in bridal style.

Akito: "Yes!! I got a R gacha! Take that you unlucky mf's!" He said jumping from joy.

AN: no offense to those unlucky mf's

He blushed a bit because his gacha girl grabbed his necktie and leaned in for a kiss in the lips.

He seemed confused and fell to his knees.

Akito has now fainted from the pleasure and embarrassment, you can see it from his red steaming face.

The staff made him back off, it was now Keisei's turn.

He took the smartphone, and clicked it.

The blinding light was now a color of pink, a sign indicating a younger gacha girl, will his gacha girl be a loli?

The blinding light left and...

Keisei was now, handcuffed by the staff, as his partner has kissed him immediately after their meeting.

He was escorted to the police station.

It was now my turn...

I grabbed the phone, clicked it immediately and came a blinding violet light.

It soon faded, and I was now face to face, with a beauty who has a frown on her face, has violet hair, wearing our uniform, and most importantly was holding a can of beer... What?

She then hugged me by the neck, our noses touched, I stared at her beautiful eyes, and she stared back at mine longingly, her frown was now replaced with a longing look, so beautiful it made me internally smile.

We stayed like that for a moment, until she leaned in for a kiss.

This was a contract, a gacha contract, a contract that represents that the girl is already partnered up with someone.

I also leaned towards her, our lips met, she closed her eyes, enjoying the kiss, I hugged her close and our world faded, like we are the only ones in this world.

That's the first time I met my first gacha girl, Kamuro Masumi, I can't forget her longing look at me at that time, as she made me internally smile at her cute look at me.




I don't know what the hell I wrote... It's all nonsense xD.

Btw Keisei's gacha drop was a R drop and as for Kiyo he got... Who am I kidding? Of course a SSSR gacha girl! Anyone who objects as Kamuro isn't a top tier waifu gets to fight me lmao.

Oh yeah, I first published this as I already finished it, I'll now pick something to continue in my profile announcement. UwU

Anyway did you like it?

Love ya guys<3 #nohomon't

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