Not gonna lie. I'm enjoying this so you should too by repaying me and simp for Airi xD. No seriously you should.
Anyway here's another helping of Airi.
We're now at the island and Hirata asked for volunteers to scout the perimeters to find a spot.
I raised my hand, I noticed that Airi raised hers too, she looked at me and smiled.
We are now teamed up with Koenji, but he left us in the dust, which I don't mind as I can spend some time with her.
I noticed that she was breathing haggardly, with the roads like this anyone would've been tired.
Kiyotaka: "Are you okay Airi?" I asked her, she seemed surprised at my question and nodded at me
Airi: "Yes. But I'm a little tired tho." Her haggard breathing, was lewd and cute. Definitely lewd.
We took a break at a nearby tree that was near the cave.
Noticing that someone was exiting the cave I held Airi and hid.
They talked for a bit then approached the tree.
Then they saw.
Thankfully I moved away already.
They left us after checking a bit more.
I noticed that Airi was unnusually quiet. I looked towards her and she was blushing a lot.
I looked towards my hands and felt something soft hitting it. I had the urge to grope it, but held it.
I moved away from Airi.
Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry Airi." I honestly apologized and asked for forgiveness.
Airi: "Ah! Don't mi-mind it as long as it's you Kiyotaka-kun. Ahh! Please forget about that!" She was tearing up a bit from the slip-up. I chuckled at her and it made her stare at me and made her lovestruck again.
I held out my hands towards her.
Kiyotaka: "Do you want to go back while holding hands?" She blushed at my question, it was cute. She accepts and sheepishly nods.
I held her hand with mine. Intertwining our fingers. So this is the so called human warmth. I'm feeling peace with Airi.
Airi: "I didn't know you have manly hands Kiyotaka-kun. Hehe~." She was way too happy at holding my hands well, I was happy too holding hers so we're pretty much even.
She may be acting like that but she's really cute as her blush was not dissapearing.
Yes. I'm lucky to be with her, her spending some time with me. A cute girl who's an idol, is friends with me. Who wouldn't be jealous? I'm so blessed with Airi.
Airi: "What are you thinking about Kiyotaka-kun?"
Kiyotaka: "Nothing. I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you." It made her blush.
I thought to myself, she was really cute and beautiful. And this sight was only for me. It's my exclusive rights.
Ayo! Another chapter seriously? Well anyway simp for Airi. Lmao.
I'm planning on testing my waters by making a lemon for Airi but... As you guys know I'm admitting that I suck at making it but I'll try.
Simp for Airi.
Anyway this will be the last chapter for tonight xD. Who knows?
And remember simp for Airi
Love ya guys<3 #nohomo

Cote: What If's [ONGOING]
FanfictionClassroom Of The Elite with a twist. Basically every what if you readers would like to read, and with a reaction of the cast following that. For example: What if Kiyo and Kei never hid their relationship, so on and so forth You can add your request...