Chapter 3

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It was odd. That was all Lauren can say to describe her new found affection towards her bestfriend. Odd. Camila was odd. She could change her way of treating people in a matter of seconds. One minute she'll say she hates you and the next she'll say she loves you. Lauren had been her friend for years and still couldn't decipher her. Maybe Camila didn't want for people to figure her out. Lauren had kept her feelings a secret apart from Ally. Ally never talked to anyone else other than her group of mindless beings. That's what Lauren called them, mindless beings. Mindless because they didn't think of anybody other than themselves. Lauren scoffed. Camila was a mindless being. Well almost. Lauren was sitting next to Dinah in their gym class, Vero closely behind. Lauren was glad that everytime she was with Dinah she didn't worry or get stressed, Dinah had that affect. She laughed at all the silly jokes Dinah was making while teasing Vero. Lauren sometimes wished she was Dinah. Dinah did not care at all about anything, she was so carefree but such a good friend at the same time. Lauren on the other hand cared about everything. Especially what people thought of her. She was always the outsider of all the girls. They wanted to wear dresses, she wanted to wear black skinny jeans with a crop top. She didn't mind that though, because all her friends were different in their own way too. Dinah had her own type of humor along with Normani. Camila was a mistery waiting to be found out. Ally was popular but had a heart bigger than a supergiant star. (Because those are bigger than the sun). Gym had ended, and soon Dinah and Lauren were walking towards english. Along the way, Lauren wondered who Camila decided to be today. Her thoughts were interrupted by Dinah. "Are you okay girly? You look like your head's in the clouds." Lauren's head was in fact in the clouds. Her mind made no sense, nothing was clear. She still didn't understand why she had feelings for Camila, why her? There were so many girls that had as much potential. Or so Lauren thought. She couldn't explain this to Dinah for obvious reasons, so she brushed her off. "Yeah of course D, I was just wondering if I had my answers right in my homework." An obvious lie, Lauren was excellent in english. "Hoiii.  You worry too much about your damn homework Laur! This is why you can't get laid!" Lauren laughed at Dinah 's comment. "Not true, I bet everyone is dying to get in bed with me." An yet another lie. "Don't lie to yourself it isn't good for the soul." Lauren laughed at Dinah's made up assumption. Lauren and Dinah entered their english class and Lauren was surprised to see Camila there so early. Camila smiled and walked towards Lauren sitting on the empty seat next to her. "Chancho! Are you trying to replace me with Lauren?! The nerve!" Dinah placed a hand in her chest and faked offense. Camila sticked her tongue out at Dinah. "Put that tongue back in there Mila, no one knows where it's been." Camila scoffed but laughed. She seemed joyful today. Had she broken up with Austin already? "Yeah i broke up with Austin already." Lauren's  eyes widened. How did she know she was wondering about that? "What did he say?" "Poor little bitch kept going on about how he loved me, I got annoyed so I told him to fuck off and walked away." Of course, Camila was always the one to be the 'heart breaker' in a relationship. In all her relationships she would be the one to call it quits, maybe she just didn't want to settle down. "There will be another guy Mila, there always is. Always like 'Camila this! Camila that!' I'm so done you know. Because you're hella palaku." Dinah butted in. Lauren laughed knowing what Dinah had meant. "Hey! Not true! I'm hot ! Right Lolo?" Lauren's eyes widened. Why did Camila have to put her in the spot like this?! "Uhh...yeah sure." Lauren mumbled, catching a smirk from Dinah. "See? Lolo knows it! You're just jealous because I get guys Cheechee, don't worry though, I bet you and Normani will confess eachothers undying love for one another." Lauren and Camila laughed loudly. "The nerve!" Dinah scoffed. "Ladies, please hush." Lauren heard their teacher, Miss Lawrence say. The three girls quickly became quiet and focused their attention on their teacher.

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