Chapter 10

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-Thursday, 2 weeks before Camila leaves-

Camila stared at her ceiling, not thinking about anything specifically. She just let the soothing voice of Ed Sheeran take over her mind. The girls were coming over to her house in an hour. Ever since Ally started dating Normani she's been considered as part of their group. Camila didn't mind, she enjoyed how positive and cheerful Ally was. Ally was the complete opposite of Camila. It's not that she thought about everything in a negative way, she just didn't think positively. No wonder Lauren has stayed friends with Ally for so long, she's a keeper. Camila deeply sighed. Her parents had been asking her questions repeatedly. They're wondering how Camila was so calm about moving when she clearly will miss the girls so much. Camila didn't know either. A part of her wanted to move, she was scared to face how Lauren makes her feel. Camila has learnt that falling in love only causes hurt in the end. Camila knows she wasn't going to get hurt, but she didn't want Lauren to get hurt. In a way Camila wanted to protect her from getting hurt by her. What Camila needed right now was time. She planned on spending atleast 2 years in Mexico. Camila grabbed her phone to see the girls will be arriving in 10 minutes. She got up from her bed and changed into some shorts, since she was only wearing an oversized shirt and her panties. She walked down the stairs, grateful that Sofi was at a sleepover. Dinah and Sofi together is like asking for trouble. Camila entered the living room and was met by her mom. She hadn't talked with her in a while, so she decided to make a quick conversation as she waited for the girls. "Hey Mom, where's Carlos?" Sinu looked surprised that Camila talked to her first. "He went to buy groceries mija, he'll be back soon." "The girls are coming over in about a few minutes," Camila stated. "I always liked your friends, they're all so nice, cheerful, and funny." The complete opposite of me, Camila thought. Sinu's face changed into a gloomy look, as if she had read Camila's thought. "Now Karla, I know what you're thinking, but you used to be just like them when you were younger. I don't know what made you change, but I know that I still love you as much as I did." Camila didn't notice, but she was very insecure about this topic. She changed completely. Back then, it was so simple. She caught herself falling into her mother's arms, whimpering. "I'm sorry Mami, I'm sorry that I changed so much. I'm not the sweet little girl anymore." This was true, Camila treated Sinu worse these days. She was so grateful for her mother deep down, but her new attitude had changed how she acted towards her. "It's okay mija, is still love you so much." Sinu placed a kiss on Camila's head lightly, comforting her daughter. A few seconds passed and Camila heard the doorbell. She quickly stood back up trying to compose herself and look confident. Sinu giggled, "You should probably get that, don't want to keep your friends waiting." Camila smiled at her mother, then walked away to meet her bestfriends. As she opened the door, she was met by a bear hug. Camila saw a flash of dark hair and realized it was Lauren. Camila wrapped her arms around the girls waist, wondering why she was doing this. She looked around to see Dinah had been trying to stifle her laugh, and glared at her. "What did you do Dinah?" Camila asked while comforting a distraught Lauren. "Me? I didn't do anything!" She knew she wasn't going to get anything out from Dinah, so she turned to the one person who always says the truth. "What did she do Ally?" Ally giggled but rolled her eyes. "Dinah told Lauren that you had gotten hurt and that's why we had been rushing, Lauren here got really worried and was hurrying us up," Ally explained. "Ally!" Dinah exclaimed. "What? I always tell the truth." Normani placed and arm around the smaller girl's shoulders and nuzzled her head. "Are you happy Dinah? Look at how distraught Lauren is!" Camila shot. Camila started petting Lauren's hair and nuzzled her cheek. "Hey, it's okay Lauren. Look I'm not hurt see! Everything's fine don't worry," She cooed into Lauren's ear. Lauren shot her head up and glared at Dinah. "I'm mad at you." Dinah eyes went wide, "Hey! Normani was in it too!" "Don't bring my baby into this!" Ally yelled at Dinah as they all got inside the house. "Whatever, I wish I had a girlfriend or boyfriend, y'all protect eachother I have no one." Everyone laughed, even Lauren. "Aww Cheechee I love you, I'll protect you from everyone," Camila walked towards Dinah. "No Camz come back!" Lauren exclaimed. "She's mine now Laur," Dinah said faking a territorial tone. "I always knew someday the both of you would be fighting over me," Camila laughed. "Whatever Walz, go to Lauren, you couldn't keep your hands off of her if you tried." "You're right, I like you better Lolo," Camila walked back next to Lauren as they all headed to her room. "Good, because I'd hate to fight with Dinah for you," Lauren says. Camila smiled, seeming pleased to hear that response from Lauren. Would she really fight for her? Camila would fight anyone who would hurt Lauren. Even if she could easily get her ass kicked. Camila and Lauren laid next to eachother on the bed, while Dinah was sprawled on her stomach at the end. Normani and Ally sitting on the floor, which wasn't as uncomfortable due to the carpet. They put on a movie to watch not really paying attention to it anyways since all of them were too busy gossiping. Ally knowing all the juicy things since she was one of the mosg popular girls. Ally disliked mostly everyone who was popular, so she didn't mind spilling the tea. Dinah and Normani both were so into the whole gossip thing, it was both of their specialties. Camila had gotten bored since she was used to being the main topic for rumours in school. Once, a rumour spread that she was part of a mafia and dealed cocaine. Those two things obviously were untrue. Camila snuggled up unconsciously into Lauren, the greed eyed girl wrapping her arms around the brunette. "Can we stop now? Talking about every bitch at school is fun and all, but now I just wanna cuddle Mani and sleep," The smallest girl yawned. Dinah smirked, "Okay Ally, pero if anything juicy comes up, I'm the first one you spill to, got that?" "Okay Dinah," Ally giggles, getting comfortable on the sheets Camila had laid out on the floor for her, Normani, and Dinah to sleep on. Ally snuggled close to Normani while Dinah made her way to her side, which was atleast a few feet away from the couple. Camila kept her head on Lauren's chest, not really wanting to change their position. After they all said their goodnights, all 5 girls were quickly hit with a wave of sleep. All of them having enjoyed and cherished the moment they spent together, knowing that in two weeks it won't be the same anymore.
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