Chapter 17

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Camila had invited Nicolas to her apartment after her classes. The two had become good friends. Nicolas understood not to bring up anything from Camila's past unless she was the one who brought it up. Camila only invites him over when she wanted company, which was rare. Camila had to write an essay for her phycology class. So far her professor had told her she had been doing great in her class. Currently, she was on the living room floor pondering what to write, Nicolas was on her couch watching some show. "Alondra was asking for you again Mila," Nicolas spoke up. Camila perched up, groaning. Alondra was a girl who wanted to hook up with her. Lately, Camila has been becoming the 'Infamous Camila' again, and she didn't like it. She liked being a nobody. She had rejected everyone who had asked her out. She decided to put college first. She had enough fun in high school. "When will she take the hint that I am not interested?" Camila huffed. "I don't know Mila, maybe you should go out more often," Nicolas suggested. "Is the book store not enough?" Camila had gotten even more into books since she moved. She read almost everyday, while Nicolas was out partying or whatever. Nicolas knew better than to bug Camila, so he kept his mouth shut. The two continued to talk to each other occasionally. After four hours, Camila had finished her essay, feeling good about it. She sat up and glanced up at the light haired boy. "Hey Nicolas, im done with my essay, should we go eat something?" The boy turned around excitedly, "Can we go get ice cream?" Camila chuckled at how childish Nicolas was. The two headed out and got in Camila's car, heading towards a nearby ice cream stand. When they arrived at the stand Nicolas immediately chose what ice cream he wanted, waited impatiently for Camila to get her own, and sat down on a nearby bench. Camila watched amused at Nicolas lapping away at the cone. "How does Anna deal with you?" Camila chuckled. "She loves me for accepting im childish," Nicolas responded. Camila shook her head and wondered how she kept making friends that were the opposite of her. As much as she liked being alone, maybe having someone to talk to is good too.


Lauren had been in her room the entire day. She was too busy trying to finish her painting to turn in. She wouldn't rest until she was fine with it. The girls knew how Lauren would get if they interrupted her, so they sent Ally to her room to check up on her. Living here seemed normal to Lauren, as if it was meant to be. She felt like she belonged here with the others. She stopped to rest for a bit, looking across the canvas. She was feeling good about it. Deciding she would leave it as it is. Lauren wiped her hands on a towel and decided to go where the others were. She heard fake gagging sounds and recognized them coming from Dinah. She went in the living room to see Dinah was sprawled on the couch and Ally was sitting on Normani's lap. "Why did I hear gagging sounds just a few seconds ago?" Dinah looked up with disgust. "These two over here are being to lovey dovey for my liking. Who knew Normani could be such a wuss," Dinah said amused. Normani turned towards her and glared. "Youre just salty because you dont have anyone." "Atleast im not the only one anymore, right Lauser?" Lauren knew Dinah didnt mean it in a bad way, but it still struck her. She hadnt been with anyone in months. Nobody intruged her. No one was interesting for her. There had been plenty of both guys and girls, but she rejected all of them. She had always been to caught up in her art to realize that she wanted to feel loved. Something she hadnt felt in a while. "Well Dinah were both alone maybe we should kick out Ally and Normani," she joked. Ally sprung off of Normani's lap, "Hey! Im the one who cooks around here, and takes care of yall. Without me who knows what type of mess yall would be in." "She has a point Laur," Dinah nodded in agreement. "Ally's like our personal mom, we kinda need her." It was very true. Ally comes off as the motherly figure. To Lauren, she didnt even have to call her mother for help, she had Ally. Once she told this to her mother as a joke and was repeatedly called 'Lauren Michelle'. Lauren sat down on a separate couch and continued to talk along with the girls, hoping that all of them had taken the message long ago that she had no intentions of talking about what happened with Camila. Truth be told, not even Lauren knew what happened. She was so on and off with her. One second she despised her the other she wanted nothing than for her to come to New York and be with her. The possibility of that happening was small. "Laur, I realized that since youre here that means that youre finished with your painting right?" Ally asked, bringing Lauren out of her thoughts. "Uh yeah, I decided it was good enough to turn in so I decided to hang with you guys," the green eyed girl replied. "Awww you see guys? Lauren does love us," Dinah chuckled. Lauren pushed the Polynesian playfully having missed the banters they used to have. "We should all watch a play, I heard there was one happening tomorrow just a few blocks away," Ally suggested. "Are plays any good?" Normani asked. "Yeah, musical theatre is pretty cool. I mean, its two talents combined," Lauren spoke up. "Why you gotta be the artistic one Laur," Dinah huffed. "Because the only things youre 'artistic' about is dancing and singing," Lauren shot back. Dinah reluctantly nodded her head slowly in agreement, knowing that the older girl was indeed right. "Anyways, I think it would be fun for all of us to watch a play," Lauren directs at Ally. Normani and Dinah nod at Ally, who got happy in matter of seconds and clapped her hands. "Yes! Ive been wanting to watch a play since we arrived in New York!" Ally squealed. All three girls looked at the smaller girl, noting how she had the most adorable moments.
This chapter is so lame

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