Chapter 4

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Camila walked through her school's hallways obviously not getting unnoticed. It had been a common thing that other students would stare at her or check her out. Camila always noticed the people who did, in case there was someone who interested her. Sure it was well known she has had a handful of boyfriends, most ended by her and each never lasted for more than 4 months. Camila had friends that told her everything everyone gossiped about her, those friends being Dinah and Normani. Camila was used to the gossiping, it wasn't her fault she had a new interest every few months right? She strutted down towards her Algebra class, to which she was glad was her first class and which also had Lauren in it. Lauren being her bestfriend of 3 years, the only one she felt freely to talk about her obsession with one direction with, the one who was part of a group of four people that didn't make her want to strangle them. Even if her few interests were that the other was annoying in a likable way, there was a different annoying that made her want to end their existence. To this, Camila thought was a little over the top. As she was near the entrance of her Algebra class, she was unfortunately met by Austin, her recently ex boyfriend.  Camila expected this to be another scene were he tells her how incredibly in love he was with her, but she hoped it was something like 'Hey Camila, sorry for being a obsessive jerk yesterday, I'll leave you alone forever now' but Camila knew that it wasn't going to be the latter. The sight of him made her wonder if she was a bitch for doing this. Austin loved her, why couldn't she love him? Austin had lovable things and didn't look half bad. She dismissed these thoughts and went back to her attitude. Whethe he was a great guy or not, Camila didn't love him, so her dumping him would've happened anyway. "Austin it's early, I'm not in the mood for your ramblings if how infatuated you are with me." Austin looked a little hurt, but still kept his strong posture. "I'm sorry for all the shit I said when you broke up with me, you're right I do sound like an idiot, so I'll do what's best and not talk to you and quote, 'fuck off'". Camila laughed at his last comment and waved him off to enter her class. She took her seat next to Lauren. "Hi Lolo." "Hey Camz, what did Austin want?" Did she see the entire scene? Camila always knew that Lauren wasn't fond of Austin, but them again none of the people she respected were fond of him. "He just made my life easier and told him he would listen to me and fuck off." A smirk appeared on Lauren's face. She let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, I was afraid he was going to want to propose to you if you hadn't broken up with him." Camila let out a laugh. "I don't think I would ever be ready for marriage." Lauren's face faltered in curiousity. "Wouldn't you like to settle down completely one day?" Camila did in fact like that idea, the thought of her settling down, having a relationship that lasted more than a few months. She knew it would never happen, in fact, it was something she feared. She lost interest quickly, never had interest in anyone for a long period of time. Of course, she could only be interested in a long period of time for singers, actors, books, music, and tv shows. "Nah, why settle down? Im too hot for that." She cringed at her own reply. She was not conceited. She was in fact very insecure, a whole school watching your every move and checking you out everyday had that affect on people. Well, it had an affect on her. Lauren laughed, "Yeah right." Camila scoffed. "Rude!" Both girls the realized their teacher started to talk and paid attention.


Camila stood infront of her front door. She had just arrived from school and thought of the many ways she could avoid her mother and stepfather and go to her room and not come out unless for food. She let out a deep sigh and walked into her house hesitantly. To her dismay, she heard her mom call her. "Karla? You're back from school?" "Yes mom that is why I am home." Sinu was used to Camila being sassy with her. "Mija, Carlos is out buying some stupid thing, he left Sofi here, can you check on her?" Camila sighed and walked towards Sofi's room. She enjoyed spending time with her sister, but she hadn't been doing that lately because she grew distant. Camila didn't like being distant, but she chose to be anyway. She entered her little sister's room to see her coloring on a small table. The small thing noticed her and looked up, "Hi Kaki! Do you want to color with me?" Camila smiled. She felt tired, she always did, but she didn't want to dissapoint Sofi. "Sure, but only for a little while okay? Kaki feels tired." A bright smile appeared on Sofi's face as she nodded. The two colored for half an hour. Most of the time Sofi complained on how bad Camila"s coloring skills were, Camila telling her that her coloring skills were fine. Which was a lie, if anybody saw the picture she colored they would think she used her foot to color it. Camila sighed and threw herself on her bed. She stared blankly at the ceiling. Maybe she should check twitter, her dms or notifications. Strangely, she wasnt in the mood to go on twitter. Lauren would of gasped dramatically at that thought. Her mind wandered to Lauren. She was a great friend. Through her attitude and insane decisions, Lauren had stood by her. Camila had many bestfriends. She got bored by all of them. They all mostly cared about their popularity, their looks, and their boyfriends. That's the keyword, 'their'. They only care about themselves. Lauren didn't. In fact she puts Dinah, Normani, or Herself before her. She didn't care about her obsession with One Direction, twitter, or fanfiction. Her and Lauren had a lot of things in common. If Lauren liked it, there was a huge possibilty that Camila liked it too. Camila smiled at the thought of her bestfriend Lauren. It made her wonder, maybe she isn't into guys? Maybe, the cause if her lost of interest of boys was because she was gay. Camila laughed at her own thought. She wouldn't care if she was gay, but she could easily be over thinking. Maybe she would start paying attention to not only boys but girls too. Maybe she can talk with Dinah about it, her being the one that sets Camila up with dates. Her, 'Wing Girl' as Dinah calls herself. Camila's thoughts were interrupted  by Sinu. " Karla? Carlos is back and we both need to talk to you." Camila panicked a little. Did they found out her plan of not going to college and live on the money she earned on singing covered in tattoos? Camila laughed at her own little joke and followed Sinu towards the kitchen were Carlos was waiting patiently. She had nothing against Carlos, she just thought he was dumb as shit. Then again, she didn't know anything about him, since she never spoke to him. Camila guessed this was about her being distant, her mom had always complained about that. "Mija, we have some news to tell you." Carlos looked a little intimidating, but still caring. "What is it? You're pregnant? I can buy weed? Carlos is actually gay? What?" Carlos laughed at her questions. "Don't be ridiculous Karla, its none of those things." Sinu slapping Carlos on the arm for laughing. "Hey! It was funny!" Sinu ignored him and tried to explain to Camila. "Mija, we're going to Mexico." "Really? For how long?" Carlos replied to her, "We're staying there permanently Camila, in other words, we're moving."

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