Chapter 22

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Lauren tapped her pencil on her sketchbook. It was Friday, so she didnt have to rush and complete an assignment. Normani and Dinah were still at their classes, and Ally had gone out to get groceries. In the mean time, Lauren had decided to draw whatever would come to her mind. Yet, nothing did. Sure she had alot of things on her mind, but it was all the usual. Like, what was she going to eat today, or like what crazy story will Normani tell today.Over the past two years, Lauren had gotten recognized in the art industry. Her work was bought for more than three hundred dollars, and her paintings were showcased many times. Lauren was proud of herself. She was a prodigy in her art class, which she was now in an advanced one. As of now, the 'Miraculous Jauregui' had no idea what to sketch. She eventually gave up and went over to her bookshelf. She stopped at one book and grabbed it, and headed towards the living room to read it. She got lost deep into the fictional book, clearly into what was happening. She was so into it, she hadnt heard the door open and being shut. Ally walked in with bags from the supermarket. When she placed them down on the kitchen table, she walked back into the living room to notice Lauren hadnt realized Ally was back. Ally decided to take advantage of this, and snuck behind the younger girl. As she was close enough to her shoulders, Ally grabbed them and yelled as loudly as her tiny body could. Lauren was immediately alarmed. She stood up and threw the book in attempt to hit the 'intruder'. Which completely missed. A terrified look came on Lauren's face as she realized she had nothing else to defend herself with. Then, she made eye contact with Ally. Ally started laughing violently at the younger girl's reaction, practically rolling on the floor by now. Lauren had a mixture of shock and anger. She suddenly pounced on top of Ally and started tickling her. Ally started laughing even more. "La-auren! St-op!" Ally yelped in between giggles. "Say you're sorry Allyson Brooke Hernandez!" Lauren exclaimed. "Fine! I gi-ive up! Im s-sorry!" Ally squealed. Having been satisfied, Lauren stopped her torment of tickling and stood back up. She let out a hand to help the shorter girl up, who accepted with a grin. "I think this is essential to me becoming twenty two," Ally joked. Lauren laughed realizing that what they just did was pretty childish, which didn't bother her in the slightest. Lauren herself was twenty one, and was definitely not ready to give up her childish ways. Ally and Lauren walked into the kitchen and put everything away. When they were finished, Lauren truned towards Ally and realized she didnt have a grin anymore, but a serious look. It was unusual to see the normally giddy woman so serious. "Whats wrong Ally?" Ally was snapped back into reality and turned to Lauren. "What? Nothings wrong," Ally tried to cover up. Lauren wasnt falling for any of it. "Dont bullshit me Ally, ive known you for years, I know when something is wrong." Ally sighed, defeated. She motioned for her to sit down at the table with her. Lauren sat, across from Ally. She waited patiently until Ally spoke. "I dont know how it happened. It was a spur in the moment. Like a light burned out or something." Lauren looked at Ally puzzled. Ally noticed this and clarified. "Normani and I broke up," Ally said reluctantly. Shock coursed through Lauren's body. She hadnt seen this coming. Honestly, she thought she'd be hearing wedding bells soon. "How? When? Why?" Lauren blurted out. "It was yesterday actually, its been going on for a couple of months. We just no longer felt a desire or a strong passion. Its like it all ran out. We werent going to do anything because we thought it would be awkward, but then we started becoming just friends and we decided it was finally time to just end it, " Ally explained. Lauren listened intently, not having noticed that the two women hadnt been as lovey dovey as they used to be. "How do you feel about all this?" "Well I mean, Normani was the first person ive ever dated that I actually liked. We were in love, at one point. Im not sure how it happens, but that love left and was replaced with friendly love. Honestly, im okay with it. I dont mind just being Normani's bestfriend," Ally admitted. Lauren sighed in relief. She wasnt ready to choose between Ally and Normani. She also wasnt ready for any awkward moments that could have happened. "Well, im glad the both of you are fine with it." Ally giggled. "This means that youre single, and officially have to find you somebody to mingle with," Lauren joked. Ally laughed and slapped her on the arm lightly. Soon, a knock was heard at the door. It was none other than Dinah, and of course Normani. "We're back because we know how much yall miss us when we're not here," Dinah chuckled as she entered the kitchen alongside Normani. Lauren acted as usual, and noticed Ally was doing the same. Ally gave her usual wide grins to them. "Sure Dinah, believe what you want," Lauren joked. "Shut up Lauser. Saint Ally wouldnt treat me this way," Dinah said making her way next to Ally hugging her head. Ally laughed and hugged Dinah back. Normani offered to order pizza which everyone gladly accepted. Lauren was glad that everything really did seem completely normal with Ally and Normani. It was as if they never dated, and were nothing but best friends. Normani returned and sat back down at the table, were the rest of the girls sat. The pizza soon areived and everyone was eating hungrily, barely even talking. Lauren thought about how funny it was that all her friends were in there twenties and were still childish and cracked jokes. She loved it about them. They were all so grown up yet still acted young. After they were finshed, all of them joked around and began to talk about each other's day. Dinah talked about how she almost tripped infront of a cute boy and completely embarrassed herself. Normani told them about how she basically almost spilled a drink on her chest. Ally explained how a lady at the supermarket thought she was Jennifer Lopez. Lauren didnt say anything since her day had nothing interesting about it at all. Little did she know that was soon to change. A knock was heard and everyone turned around confused. It was already 11 pm, and nobody was expecting visitors. Lauren offered to go and check who it was. She was confused at who would be at their door. She opened the door hesitantly, and met a slightly familiar face. She met a pair of brown eyes she never thought she'd see again. "Camila?"

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