Chapter 24

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Camila felt a body next to her instead of empty space like shes used to. She groggily looked to her side to see raven hair. Her memories took over and she remembered how it went last night with Lauren. A smile quickly appeared on her face as she recalled that Lauren was no longer mad at her. Finally she was here, next to Lauren and not alone in Mexico. Her smile only grew when the older girl started to shift around. She turned towards Camila and scrunched up her nose. Camila found the act adorable. She didnt know what time it was, and as much as she likes watching Lauren look adorably in her sleep she would soon get bored, so she was left with no choice but to wake the other Latina up. "Goodmornimg Laur," Camila said sweetly. Lauren groaned and scooted closer to Camila, hiding her face in the crook of Camila's neck. "Lets go back to sleep Camz, its way to early to get up." Camila's heart fluttered at the sound of her nickname that hadn't been said in years. "Laur come on, in getting bored. Wake up lazy ass," Camila teased. "Well arent you a charmer," Lauren said sarcastically sitting up. Camila smiled, "I am. If you get your ass down ill make you and the girls pancakes." Lauren knew how to cook, and she was going to make pancakes anyway, but the thought of Camila trying to make pancakes and probably failing was amusing to Lauren. "Okay okay im up," Lauren obliged standing up from the bed. Camila squealed and hopped off the bed quickly exiting after leaving a quick peck on Lauren's cheek. Lauren was left in her room stunned. Nonetheless, she smiled and her cheeks flushed. Two years later and the brown eyed girl still had such an affect on her. Lauren walked out of her room to go to the kitchen and heard two people bickering. She walked in to see it was Camila and Dinah, Ally and Normani sitting quietly minding their own business. Camila's first day in their apartment and her and Dinah were already fighting like they did when they were eighteen. Some things never change. "Dinah! Im not gonna burn down the apartment!" Camila scoffed.
"Chancho last time I let you cook something my mom's hair almost caught on fire."
"That was when we were sixteen, I got so much better since then," Camila tried to convince the taller girl. Dinah sighed and realized she wasnt gonna convince her not to cook. "Fine Mila, but if you set a fire youre gonna have to save yo girl because I sure as hell wont!"
Camila looked at the Polynesian confused, "Whos my girl?"
Dinah smirked and turned towards Lauren, who she noticed walk into the kitchen. Both Camila and Laurens cheeks flushed a light pink, while the other girls started laughing. "Damn Laur! Camila just came and yall already fucking?" Normani joked laughing. Lauren punched her on her arm, her cheeks now bright red. "Oww Lauren what was that for?" Normani asked rubbing her arm. "For making a sex joke about them dumbass," Ally butt in laughing. Normani glared at the shorter girl, still chuckling. Lauren eventually ignored the girls and looked at Camila. The girl seemed to now be in her own little world making her pancakes. Lauren could hear her humming away while shaking her hips a little. Lauren couldnt help but smile at the sight. She was so lost in the view that she didnt notice the others smirking and joking about how smitten the girl was. Lauren came back to reality when Camila snapped her fingers infront of her face. "Hey Laur. Pancakes are ready!" Camila exclaimed on Laurens face. Lauren looked around wide eyed and fumbled with a chair. "Uh yeah pancakes, lets eat," Lauren struggled with her words due to being cut off guard. Camila just smiled at her and sat next to Lauren. The five girls ate together while telling stories and memories, while Lauren and Camila held hands under the table.
It had been about two months since Camila came back from Mexico. The girls all got along like how ot was, Lauren and Camila becoming closer than ever. Currently, they were both sitting on Lauren's bed. Lauren had her laptop and was on Tumblr, while Camila had a book on her hand. Lauren scrolled mindlessly through her dashboard losing interest on the various posts. She fixed her gaze on the brunette next to her and admired her features for what seemed the 100th time since she's got here. Lauren spotted how Camila furrowed her eyebrows while reading. From time to time Camila would squint her eyes to be able to read the words. Lauren chuckled at her expressions for minutes. "For how long are you gonna be laughing at me while staring at me?" Camila huffed feigning annoyance, which made Lauren giggle. "I cant help it. You look so cute when you get focused on a book." This seemed to catch Camila's attention. She closed the book after saving her spot and placed it away, cuddling closer into the older girl. "Oh really? Am I cute when I do this?" Camila proceeded to plant a kiss on Lauren's lips. When she pulled away she was met with a smirk from Lauren. The two had escalated into sharing kisses with eachother a month ago, and just about three weeks before they had became official. Lauren being as giddy as ever, and Camila finally being able to be with the one who had consumed her thoughts for a long time. Camila smiled and buried herself on the crook of Lauren's neck. "I love you Laur," Camila admitted while placing a small kiss on Lauren's collarbone. Lauren smiled, not surprised by the girl's confession. "I love you too baby." Even if they were apart for a long time, they both knew as clear as day that they loved eachother. "Laur I dont want us to end," Camila mumbled not really intending to actually tell her girlfriend that. Lauren caught her words anyway, and her heart fluttered just like it always did around Camila. "It doesnt have to end Camz," Lauren advised, finding confort with her girlfriend.

Welp. Thats it. Okay so I actually wanted for this to go on until 30 chapters but thats ridiculous. I ended N&E already because I started this fic with something that actually happened to me that didnt end nicely. So I dont want to continue this story that brings memories to me on why I started it. If anyone actually enjoyed this fic thank you because I enjoyed writing it lmao. I dont know if ill make a sequel because I had lots of ideas left, but ill probably make another story soon.

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