Chapter 13

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- Wednesday, 2 days left -

The last few days had been hectic for Camila. Her and her friends had been spending so much time together, Camila forgot what personal time was. Now, she remembers how good it felt to be alone. She laid on her bed thinking a little too much. She began to become distant from Lauren Sunday. She hates being distant, but she already grew extremely fond of Lauren that she wanted to get used to not being around her. She knew she was hurting Lauren in the process of this, but she had to do this. She had to show who she really was so that Lauren would somehow fall out of love with her, but was this really who she was? Camila had already began packing everything up for Friday, making sure the pictures of her and her and the girls were safe. It was only necessary for this to happen, matter how much Camila likes Lauren she was far too scared to actually do anything about it. All she had ever done with her problems was run away from them. This won't be any different. Perhaps, she was in the wrong. Maybe she needed to trust someone with her thoughts instead of pushing people away. She was already tired of keeping it all in anyways. Who would she even open up to? It had to be someone who understood love. Camila decided she would talk to the person Lauren has trusted for years, Ally.

Camila arrived at Ally's house shortly after making her decision. She knocked on her door not really caring of Normani was here or not. After a few knocks the door finally opened to reveal the small brunette. She gives Camila a smile. "Hi Mila! What are you doing here?" Camila began to grow nervous since she has never talked about her feelings to anyone. She couldnt back out now, it was now or never. "I um, actually had to talk to you about something." Ally realized her serious tone, and immediately let her in and led her towards her room. Ally sits on her bed and pats on the spot next to her, motioning Camila to sit. Camila sits next to her hesitantly, not really wanting to go through with this. "What did you want to talk about Mila?" Camila let out a sigh before starting. "I wanted to talk to you about uh, Lauren." Ally's eyes widened. "Why me? Why not Dinah or Normani?" "Because Dinah hasn't ever really been in love, and Normani doesnt really like talking about it because she tries to come off as 'badass'." Ally laughs at her statement. "Okay, so let your heart out," Ally says trying to encourage Camila. "Well for starters, ive never been in love. I dont know how to tell if im in love or not. Ive also never viewed Lauren in a romantic way until now which I guess is odd. I wouldnt mind being in a relationship with Lauren but relationships end in someone getting hurt. I wont get hurt because im a heartless bitch but Lauren will. And I cant bear hurting her. Ive always felt like if I have an empty void inside of my heart, but I also feel like Lauren's slowly filling in that void. And honestly, that terrifies me. Ive grown used to going from boy to boy. But Lauren is different. Shes so amazing and gorgeous. Honestly and wholeheartedly, shes too good for me. Im just a girl whos afraid to grow up and is stuck in her own small world, were everything appears to be perfect. I could perhaps never be able to accept reality and be with Lauren, and maybe some time in Mexico will help me. Help me realize if I do love her or not. For now, I cant keep doing this. I have to give time for myself to realize what I want, but Lauren will always be the one in the void in my heart," Camila lets out, showing her vulnerable self to Ally. It would be an understatement if Ally said she wasnt shocked. Camila always came off as the strong, confident, independent girl. Right now, she looks so vulnerable and fragile on her bed. Ally realizes she hadnt responded yet. "Well what I think, is that you should tell Lauren that in a shorter way. Tell her how you need some time. She'd understand, she's been your bestfriend for over 3 years," Ally advises Camila. Camila nods to show she agrees. She was hesitant to tell this to Lauren, but she knew Lauren wouldnt hate her for wanting to wait for whatever they wanted to call this. Who knew Camila would ever be in this position. Letting her heart out to Ally Brooke, the most popular girl at school that was now one of her closest friends. Ally and Camila continued talking to lighten up the mood a little bit. Ally dropping hints of encouragement every now and then. Camila was growing tired and decided it was her time to leave. She said her goodbyes and thanks to Ally and made her way back to her house. When she arrived home she immediately went to bed. Tomorrow would be a very nerve-wracking day for Camila. It wouldnt be surprising if she ended up chickening out last minute. She couldnt, she wouldnt hear the end of it. Camila decided to sleep it off and anxiously wait for tomorrow.

I usually write more than 1,000 words but the power went out and like the pussy I am I freaked the fuck out

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