Chapter 21

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About two years had passed since everything happened. Since Camila left Miami, and since Camila met her father. Now, Camila was doing excellent in her classes. She had attended Nicolas' wedding last week. Camila decided things were atleast getting better for her. She wasnt feeling as lonely, just a little less. Had Camila found someone? No. Camila couldnt find interest. She did date a girl, but Camila soon realized she was just in an experimental phase. So Camila gave up dating after that. No matter how much Sinu wanted for her to get married already. She still played her guitar out on the streets, but now owners from restaurants had been requesting her. That had been Camila's job which she gained fairly average amount of money. Alejandro and her would sometimes sing duets, if he didnt end up crying because of how proud he was of Camila. Did she wonder what her Miami friends were doing? Yes, frequently. Dinah had sent her the address to the girls' apartment a few months ago in case the latina had wanted to visit. Camila at first had no intention, but still kept it in a safe place. Nicolas had been urging her to go, but there was something Camila didnt have. Courage, and money. She had no courage to come face to face with Lauren again. The green eyed girl probably had forgotten about her. Also, she didnt have money for a plane ticket. She didnt save for one since she didnt think Dinah was going to pull through with the address. Currently, Camila was in her apartment. She sat at her desk writing mindlessly in her journal. Over the years she had grown to enjoy writing. She wrote down poems, small stories, anything. She still had her heart set in therapy though, she just thought it would be nice to write in her free time. Camila had also gotten something she never thought she'd get. A tattoo. Specifically, more than one tattoo. The first tattoo was done out of curiosity, but then Camila had grown to want more so she did. Some had meaning, some she thought looked cool. She tapped her pencil against the notebook, wanting for time to pass. Nicolas told her he was coming over, so she waited patiently. Just as Camila was about to take a nap to pass time, she heard someone knock on the door. She trudged towards the door and opened it to reveal the messy haired man. "Hello Nicolas. I wasnt aware you'd be arriving at one in the morning," Camila huffed. The man chuckled, "Ah Karla, I love seeing your sunshiny self." "Dont call me that idiot," Camila joked letting him inside. "As much as I enjoy our playful banters Camila, I came to tell you something," Nicolas said suddenly appearing serious. Camila arched her eyebrow at Nicolas. This couldnt be good. Nicolas reached into his pocket, and retrieved a small paper. "Ive known you for two years Mila, ever since I met you as a young problematic teen. Back then you were unhappy with how things were left, and you still are," Nicolas spoke handing Camila the mystery paper. Camila snatched it from him confused. "What do you mean?" Nicolas sighed. "What I mean is, you need closure. The way you left things with the Jauregui girl has made you unhappy. You say youve gotten over it, but even I know she's on your mind almost every hour of everyday." Camila glanced down at what was on her hand. Her eyes widened as she read what was on it. "You bought me a one way ticket to New York?! Have you lost your mind Nicolas?!" The messy haired man smirked at her, "No, im simply doing what is best for you. Ive been saving for this ticket since I bought Anna's wedding ring." Camila almost felt the urge to slap the man infront of her, but she knew that he was right. She needed closure. More than anything. "Have you forgotten that im in college?" Camila asked, trying to find a fault in his plan. "You can attend college in New York, become a therapist." Camila shook her head, she couldnt believe this. Was she really going to fly from Mexico to New York? Was she really going to go and try to make things right with Lauren? How would the girls react? Camila was getting dizzy. She plopped down on her couch going through everything that was currently happening. Camila decided she was going to go through with this. She needed to see Lauren. As much as she hated that the green eyed girl was still in her mind, she couldnt deny the fact that over these past two years Camila realized something. Camila loved her. Camila loved Lauren and she didnt know how it happened. Two years ago she was terrified of love, and now she wanted nothing more than to run into Lauren's arms and tell her over a million times how she loved her. Camila still didnt know exactly what that meant, but she knew what the ache in her heart and the thoughts on her mind meant. It meant she was in love. With sudden adrenaline, Camila stood up and quickly hugged Nicolas. She thanked him and he nodded, knowing that his job was done he left back home to his wife. Camila ran to her room packing everything she could. Her guitar, her journals, clothes, everything. Camila gathered her suitcases, and trotted to the last thing she needed. The apartment address. Camila kept it in her pocket, making sure it wont fall off. She ran outside and called for taxi, and told the driver to head for the airport. When she arrived Camila anxiously waited for her time. Finally, it was time and Camila got in her plane, sitting on a window seat. Camila gazed out the window, taking in Mexico for one last time. She'd be lying if she said she wouldn't miss Mexico. The plane had taken off, and Camila laid her head back. She was really doing this. She was really flying out to meet Lauren. Camila laughed at how cliche the whole thing sounded. It was almost as if she was in a romance movie. Camila sighed and tried to fall asleep. The green eyed girl will soon appear other than in her dreams.

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