Chapter 12

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- Thursday, 1 week left -
The girls had decided that they would take Thursday and Friday off, since there wasnt really much time left for Camila to leave. They all let her choose where to go, secretly they feared she would want to go to some haunted house or cementary. To their relief, Camila chose to camp in a park. The park was almost equal to the woods, just more secured. The girls were all walking to the campsite, carrying everything they would need for two days. Camila and Lauren walking ahead, and the rest of the girls walking a few feet behind them.
Camila reached out for Lauren's hand, entertwining their fingers. Camila smiled at how nice it felt holding Lauren's hand. Lauren on the other hand was blushing. Normani and Dinah were snickering at the many jokes they were making. Ally was too busy enjoying her surroundings, Dinah even called her Snow White. It was getting dark, and they had just finished putting up their tents. Lauren and Camila sharing one, and Normani and Ally sharing another. Dinah chose to get her own tent, not wanting to hear all the 'kissy' noises. Since it was basically already dark, the girls went to sleep. Dinah was the first to sleep, the rest of the girls being able to hear her obnoxious snoring. Ally cuddled into Normani and was soon fast asleep, Normani chuckling at the smaller girl. Lauren had also fallen asleep quickly. Her face a few inches away from Camila. Camila was currently restless for some odd reason. She had a feeling deep down, and she didn't like it. She let out a deep sigh and ran her fingers through her hair. She didn't like it. She was used to only being attracted to someone, just their looks, not everything else. She never felt the electricity all those romantics talked about. She never got butterflies. She never grew nervous around someone. Yet here she was, questioning her entire romantic lovestyle because of a certain green eyed girl. She turned towards Lauren, soundly asleep. She lightly smiled at how peaceful she seemed, while she was having a semi breakdown. Camila finally felt weary, sleep taking over. She closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

- Friday -
Ally's POV
This was the day. This is my moment. I can't let anything stop me. Nothing can stop the event that will ha-, "Ally." My thoughts were interrupted by the voice I was growing to love. "Yes Mani?" "What's wrong? you've been chewing harshly on your sandwich while murmuring things," Normani explained. My eyes widened. I hope nothing from my plan was accidentally said. "Im fine sweetheart, I was just thinking." I heard Dinah and Camila suddenly laugh. "S-sweetheart?!" Dinah said in between laughs. "I don't know if that's cute or embarrassing!" Camila joined in. "Shut up guys, y'all just wish you had someone like Ally," Normani said clearly embarrassed at the use of my nickname. "Yeah Camz, when was the last time you called me something cutesy huh?" Lauren butt into their laughter. Camila gasped dramatically. "I always call you cutesy things! How dare you imply that i don't! Im way too badass for 'cutesy' things anyways," Camila huffed. "Sure you are Mila," Dinah chuckled. I laughed along to their playful banter. Finding myself having more fun with these girls than anyone in my dance team, even if Camila was part of the team. To be completely honest, I was going to ask the 'big' question today. I was going to ask Normani to be my girlfriend. I had planned it today. Im not trying to be cocky or anything, but it was obvious she would say yes. I have to wait until this hilarious banter stops though. After what seemed like forever, they finally stopped arguing. I decided to just do it. "Hey Mani, can I talk to you for a minute?" Normani looked at me curiously, "Sure Ally." We stood up and the girls watched us walk away, curiosity clearly evident on their faces. We walked towards a secluded area, not too far away from the others. Normani was obviously becoming nervous by how quiet I was. "Uh, Ive been wanting to ask you something," I nervously begin to say. "Did I do something wrong?" She asks. "What? Of course not," I calm her. "Oh okay, so what's up?" She seemed cheerful again. I began to rehearse what I was going to say for the last time. I sigh and decide to just wing it.
"These past few weeks have made me happier than ive ever been these past years, but there's just one thing that's stopping me from being completely happy." Normani still looks confused, but has a face urging me to continue. "And what's stopping me from that is that you're not my girlfriend yet." Realization spreads on Normani's face as she now knows what was going to happend, her eyes having gone wide. "So Normani Kordei Hamilton, will you help me achieve every last bit of happiness I need and become my girlfriend?" I was anxious to hear her answer. "That was incredibly cheesy, but of course I will!" She exclaimed and picked me up. She twirled me around easily due to my size, and I sighed in relief. Suddenly I heard clapping. "Damn Ally, you almost made me tear up!" I heard Dinah say as she faked wiping a tear away. Camila and Lauren appearing behind her. "You guys were eavesdropping?" "Of course! I wanted to know what was happening," Dinah said. "And im guessing you guys did too?" I pointed towards the other two. "Oh I didn't really care but Laur said it was most likely going to be something adorable so she wanted to come, I thought it was sappy," Camila explained. "Whatever Mila, you're just jealous because I got a girlfriend before you," I smirked, implying how she didn't want to be official with Lauren. "You got me there Allyson! However will I be able to recover from that fact!" She said sarcastically. "Damn Mila, you must be so ashamed, Ally has more game than you," Dinah said making everyone laugh. It was nice being here with the girls. I looked at Lauren and she had an uneasy look. Im guessing she wants nothing more than to be official with Camila. Poor girl, she fell in love with someone who's way too into her own little world where love doesn't exist.

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