Chapter 7

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Days had passed since Camila told everyone the news of her moving. As a result her and the girls had been spending more time than usual together. Lauren and Camila spending more time together, as of Dinah's plan. Lauren started to gain confidence around Camila, and once in a while would flirt. Camila being the huge flirt she is, wouldn't mind and would flirt back. About a month was left for Camila until she was to leave to Mexico. Today, the girls were all heading to Camila's house for a sleepover. Dinah having certain events in mind.
Lauren's POV
Tonight was "The Night" as Dinah called it. Dinah told me she had planned things for tonight, and I'm not going to lie I'm scared. I was on my way to Camila's house walking along side Normani. After some comfortable silence she spoke up. "Dinah told me about your little crush Laur, I find it adorable." I blushed. In the past few weeks that passed I had babbled about how amazing and beautiful I thought Camila was to Dinah when Camila wasn't around. Dinah obviously filled in on the info with Normani. "Yeah well I don't, I'm getting deeper and deeper and Camila's leaving in about a month. I'm a fragile soul you know?" Normani chuckled. "Listen, Camila loves all of us, I'm sure she'll try all that she can to leave Mexico after she graduates. Or who knows, she might even leave in the middle of college." As much as I wanted to believe Normani's words, I know Camila, more than anyone does. Camila can fit in into any environment easily, she could make friends at the drop of a bat. I bet she'll walk into that college and make a friend the second she speaks. I have faith in Camila, but the thing is can Camila act on what her heart wants? I pried away from my thoughts to realize we had arrived at Camila's house. I hesitantly lifted my hand to knock, Normani's light slap on my shoulder shocked me and gave me the will to finally knock. At the first knock the door was opened by not Camila, but her mother Sinu. I frankly enjoyed her company, but I never said much to her. "Hello Lauren, Normani. Camila and Dinah are upstairs. Carlos, Sofi, and I were just about to leave. Have fun girls!" Her and Carlos walked past us, Sofi quickly was revealed and sped up to catch up to her mother and step-father. Normani and I walked up the stairs to hear Camila talking loudly to Dinah. As I was about to open the door, Normani stopped me signaling me to not move and try to eavesdrop. We placed our ears on the side of the door carefully, not being able to hear clearly but muffled voices. "Dinah don't worry, I'll try all that I can to come back to Miami but money is needed you know, it can take years, like alot." So Normani was right, Camila wanted to come back as soon as she could. "Okay Chancho, but rememeber, who are you doing this for?" I was confused. Camila was coming back for someone? Did she somehow meet someone in the past few weeks? "Yeah I know, I'm doing this for Lauren." What?! Why would she go through the trouble of coming back to Miami just for me?! "Lauren, who?" "Lauren uh my future girlfriend." As soon as I heard those words I realized I was on the floor. I must've fell. Who cares? Camila just fucking said I was her future girlfriend. How can she be so sure? Did Dinah force her to date me in the future? All these questions distracted me from realizing that Camila had opened the door, noticing that I was on the floor. "What happened to Lauren?" She asked with worry towards Normani. "Oh you know, we just barely arrived and we were going to open the door but this girl right here just tripped over air and fell on her ass." Nice save Mani. Camila giggled which was heaven to my ears. "Wow that's unusual, it's usually me tripping over nothing and falling on my ass." She held out a hand to help me up and I gladly took it. I was fully up and my face was only inches away from hers. Our eyes met and she spoke, "Be careful next time, okay?" I've never seen Camila this caring. She usually gives people the cold shoulder, even me. What did Dinah do to bring her out of her made up reality? "Uh sure, I'll be careful next time." She smiled and I quickly reciprocated the action. Dinah and Normani were in the sidelines and I knew they would keep that moment locked in their memories forever. We headed inside Camila's room and decided to watch movies. Normani and Dinah were looking through Camila's stack of movies while I sat on her bed. Dinah held a movie in her hand with with a smirk. Within closer inspection I realized it was The Notebook. I've never had a fondness for romantic movies and I certainly never expected it from Camila. Dinah inserted the DVD and sat down next to Normani on the floor. I turned to see Camila laying back of her headboard. She met my gaze and smiled. She patted the space next to her and I blushed at her intentions. I waddled my way towards Camila and went underneath the covers. I became brave and placed my head on her chest, then I placed my arm over her waist. It seems as if Camila didn't mind, soon after that she placed her arm over my shoulders. I didn't really pay any attention to the movie, I was too busy thinking about how comfortable my current position was. I would stay like this forever if I could. Soon my eyes started to give out, I found myself falling asleep. Soon, I was sound asleep on Camila's chest.

Camila's POV
"Did you like the movie Lolo?" I grew confused since I didn't receive an answer. I looked down to see that Lauren was soundly asleep on my chest. "Mani? Dinah?" I called out to them, I realized the two had already fallen asleep aswell. I reached to turn off the lamp, careful not to wake Lauren. I looked back down and take in the scent of Lauren's vanilla shampoo. Dinah had brought to my attention to date Lauren earlier, at first I thought it was ridiculous. Although it doesn't sound too bad now. It's no secret that Lauren was indeed amazing. She was everything that screamed perfection. Over the past few weeks I had found myself falling over the older girl. That's rare for me. I was scared, I've never fallen in love before. I'm not in love, atleast not yet. But what happens when I leave? Will she move on and get with someone? Moving to Mexico was going to be tough on me. I soon felt like someone was staring at me and focused on Lauren to see she was sleepily gazing at me, batting her eyelashes. "Camz? Why are you awake?" She drowsily said. I guess she found out the movie was over and that the other two had fallen asleep too. "I was just thinking." "About?" Her green eyes were filled with curiosity. "You." After my response her cheeks turned a rosy pink. She tried to hide her face in the sheets, but I still wanted to admire her face. "Don't hide Lolo, I wanna see your pretty face." I was telling the truth, but I guess she thought I was teasing. "Shut up Camz!" She pouted. It was too adorable. Without thinking I leaned in and quickly pecked her lips. Lauren gasped and blushed. Fuck why did I do that?! I don't even know if Lauren wanted to kiss me yet. As I was about to apologize, Lauren spoke. "Don't apologize, I liked it." She bit her lip. I leaned in again to kiss her more passionately this time, nibbling on her bottom lip for a moment. I pulled away and spoke words I wanted to tell her. "When I leave for Mexico in a few days, I will never forget you. I promise you I will come back, I don't know when but I will. When I do I want us to be together. I love you, it may take me a while to love you in the other way, but I know I will. I know about your little crush on me. Dinah couldn't keep it in. The next few weeks I want us to try this out, but I don't want to be official because I'm leaving to Mexico. Okay?" I basically gave her puppy eyes, I've never went slow on a relationship, but it's Lauren. She's an exception to everything. "Okay." Lauren smiled widely making me smile. I kissed her nose and saw it scrunch up. I giggled. "Goodnight Lolo." Lauren sighed. "Goodnight Camz." What I was doing was dangerous. I was letting someone into my own dumb reality. The one I made up in order to escape the real one that I do not like at all. I couldn't guarantee Lauren all the happiness she deserved, but I could try. I closed my eyes only to dream of the green mesmerizing eyes I've grown to love.

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