Chapter 9

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Ally's POV
Word somehow got around about Troy and I's breakup. Of course Cece had to show off to everyone. Worst of all everyone thinks I'm hurt but I really couldn't care less. Let Cece have Troy. I have Normani anyways. Since she's asked me out I've started to hang out with Lauren's small group. I already knew Lauren personally for 10 years, I trust her the most in this school. Normani is incredibly sweet as I assumed, she gets teased by the others so that's funny. Dinah is hilarious, she's so carefree everyone I'm usually with are so uptight. Then there's Camila, the one that catches my curiosity. The infamous Camila, almost every guy and girl dreams about being in bed with her, no one ever has. From what I've heard she's quite the heartbreaker. Everyone says she isn't affectionate with anyone. Yet here I was sitting with her and the others watching the display she was creating. Her and Lauren had been giggling like school girls with eachother. Camila reaching for Lauren's hand every other minute. I'm pretty sure this is considered affection. Why does Camila treat Lauren so differently? Is it possible that the so called No Love - Cabello has fallen for someone? I don't notice that I've been staring at the two for a long while until I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around quickly and see that it was Normani. "Is everything okay Ally? You just went off into space for a long while," she says with a worried tone. She's cute. I smile at her and reach for her hand. "Everything's fine Mani." Normani blushes due to me holding her hand, I didn't know I had this affect on her. Our staring contest was soon interrupted by Dinah. "Pero like, Camren you gotta step your game up, Normally are challenging you in the cute department." I laugh at the words she used to describe us. I guess Camila and Lauren do have something going on. "A challenge? Please! Lauren and I can be way more cuter!" Camila proposed. Lauren giggled at Camila's statement. "Are you proposing a challenge Camila?" I'm going to enjoy this. Camila turned towards me and smirked. "Oh, I know Lauren and I are cuter." "Someone seems confident." "Ally please don't challenge Camila, this won't end well," Normani pleads. "It's okay babe, Camila and Lauren have nothing against us." I gave her a quick peck. Normani was wide eyed by my sudden action, I guess she'll enjoy this more than she thought. I hear Camila huff and Lauren chuckle again. "This concludes it, The Battle of the Cutest Relationship, who will win Camren or Normally? This starts, now!" Dinah announces. I turn to look at Camila square in the eyes. Both of us filled with determination. I'm so not backing down.

- Wednesday, 2 weeks before Camila leaves -
Lauren's POV
Ever since the whole battle of the relationship whatever thing was announced, Camila had been doing things for me non stop. Carrying my things in school, walking me to class, feeding me, carrying me bridal style, everything in the book. Shit she sure was competitive. I can't help but know that this is all for competition. Camila isn't normally affectionate, she's very slow on even knowing how to be affectionate. As much as I enjoyed the last couple of days I know she doesn't love me. It's way too soon. I know I love her. I've fallen hard for my mysterious bestfriend. It scared me. I was walking through the hallways then I see Camila talking with Shiloh. The both of them had really hit it off ever since last week. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. Shiloh thinks we're dating, so that means I can do this. I walked up to them and wrapped my arm around Camila's waist and kissed her cheek. "Hey babe," I smiled at her. She looked surprised but she didn't seem to mind what I did. Shiloh gave me a genuine smile, I don't expect her to steal Camila since she's so nice. "Hi Shiloh, nice beanie." "Thanks Lauren, I have to catch my class, see ya guys later!" She waved at us and made her way. Camila then abruptly turned to me. "What was that?!" She exclaimed. "What was what?" "Do you have any idea the affect you have on me? Hearing you call me babe almost made me ditch Shiloh immediately and make out with you." I blushed at her words. Do I really have that much affect on her? "Why didn't you do it then?" I challenged. She smirked. "Feisty now aren't we Jauregui?" She traveled her hand over my body, my body shivering to her touch. Her lips soon met my neck and she started to place wet kisses. I almost let out a moan but bit my lip to stop myself. She continued to do this for a while. "No sex in the hallway!" I hear someone scream. Camila and I quickly separate from eachother obviously frightened. As we turned around to find where the voice came from we find out it was Dinah. She held herself onto a locker to keep her balance as she was laughing hard. "T-that was priceless! The look on y'alls face!" I went over to Dinah and lightly slapped her shoulder. "Hey! It's not my fault you dawgs couldn't keep it in your pants!" I blushed and realized I hadn't tried to stop Camila from going any further, and I was on school grounds! "Anyways I was looking for the both of you, I got bored with the competition since Camila and Ally were both so cute to their 'partner', so I have decided that it's a tie." Camila suddenly appeared next to me. "A tie?! How!" "Y'all were equally so charming it made me barf Mila, I swear I'm sure I almost turned into a lesbian just to experience it," Dinah chuckled. "I know a few girls Dj," Camila offered. Dinah pushed Camila almost making her fall over, "Please Chancho, I don't take your left overs." We all began to walk to our class, laughing about almost anything. I almost forgot about the incident with Camila until Dinah commented. "I didn't know you had it in you to let Mila do that to you on campus Laur," she winked. I felt heat rush up to my cheeks. I was usually a goody two shoes. I never thought I'd be doing things like that especially in school. "She was the one who told me I can do that," Camila but in. I blushed harder knowing she was right. "Damn Lauren, I bet you're a freak in the sheets aren't you?" Dinah decided to tease me some more. I gulped. "That's my Lolo," Camila began. "She's sweet on the streets but a freak in the sheets," she whispered into my ear and nibbled it lightly. Camila waved goodbye to me as she walked to her class, leaving me hot and bothered. "You need to get laid Laur," Dinah suddenly said. "Shut up Dinah."

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