Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV
Did I hear correctly? Camila's moving in a few months? Far away from Miami? For years? Get it together Lauren. Dinah just said that this was all happening. Dinah wouldn't lie about something like this. "That's the reason she didn't want to tell you Lauren, you look really sad right now." So she didn't want to tell me because she knew I was going to be hurt. How sweet. I needed to pull some type of act. I need to seem like I'm not so overly distraught like everyone predicted I would be. Sure I am extremely sad that I only get a few months with Camila and then after that who knows, but I didn't need for everyone to know that I was secretly in so much pain. "I'm fine Dinah, I'm just as okay as you and Mani." "Okay Laur, but maybe you should spend some more time with Mila, everyone knows the both of you are so close." Everyone at school recognized our friendship. Or more so, they recognized Camila. The infamous Camila Cabello with the nobody yet nothing bad to say about Lauren Jauregui. When I first met Camila I was so intimidated. Camila seemed so preppy and like if she would bite your finger off if you got on her bad side. Lucky for me Dinah got us close and I realized Camz was a huge dork it was adorable. "Sure Dinah, I'll talk to her about it." I turned away from her getting lost in my own train of thought.

Camila's POV
Again, I anxiously walked towards my classroom. I was going to tell Lauren. That's it no buts. I had to do it no matter how much I didn't want to see her hurt. I walked in and nervously spotted Dinah and Lauren already sitting down chatting away. I took my seat next to Lauren wishing she wasn't so adorable and giddy so that I wouldn't change that with the news. Lauren seemed to notice my presence. "Hi Camz!" "Hey L-lauren, I um had something to tell you I'm mo-" "I know already Camz." She cut me off. What the hell how did she know? And why does she seem so cool about it? "Dinah told me, I'm a little saddened you weren't the one to tell me first Camz." She put on a pout and the most adorable puppy dog eyes. Damn was this girl trying to kill me? "Put that face away before I punch you for being so adorable." Where did that come from? Lauren's eyes widened and she quickly blushed. I saw Dinah smirk next to her and it was almost as if this was some sort of test. "I honestly expected a bigger reaction Lolo." "Yeah well I'll save the tears for when you actually leave, which is never because I'm trapping you in my basement and I'll feed you pizza everyday." She smirked. This girl knows how much I love pizza. "Now that sounds like a compromising offer, I think I'll take it." Suddenly she leaned towards me and whispered in my ear almost...seductively? "It wasn't an offer Camz, it was a statement." Her breath made my skin tingly and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. Lauren pulled away and she suddenly looked embarrassed, as if her confidence drained in a matter of seconds. Dinah on the other side looked accomplised. What were these two hiding from me? "I feel like the both of you are hiding something." Lauren shrugged but Dinah spoke up. "We kinda are Mila, but you'll found out soon enough. Also, remember when you asked me to start setting you up with girls?" I was surprised at first but then I realized I forgot that I told Dinah to do that. Lauren looked surprisingly calm. "Yeah, why? Did you already find someone?" "As a matter of fact I did, and Mila I think she's a keeper, she's honestly the cutest." Lauren shuffled in her seat, looking almost nervous. "Oh, thanks D, is she hot?" Dinah smirked. "I'm sure you'll find her hot." I got more confused. Who was Dinah talking about, there's not many girls at our school that Dinah compliments, so this girl must be some type of angel. I ignored it for now and got back to whatever useless lesson our teacher was teaching us this time.
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Camila's POV
I was at home laying on my bed with my laptop promptly placed on my stomach. I was scrolling through Tumblr to see that someone was going on a porn gif spree. Everyone knows that I'm not at all inoccent, but even I would like a warning. After scrolling more I checked the user to read it was Lauren who was reblogging all those gifs. My first thought was to tease her about this tomorrow at school, but then my mind trailed off into another prediction. One that probably shouldn't be thought of another friend. I pictured Lauren touching herself to all these gifs, so lustful and horny yet no one was there to touch her. I imagined Lauren trailing her hand down to the hem of her panties, and placing her hand over her wet heat, panting and moaning in the darkness of her own room. For some odd reason, I began to feel heat down my center. Why is picturing Lauren getting herself off turning me on? It was no secret Lauren has an amazing body. She had curves on all the right places, she was a downright goddess. I used to wonder how she wasn't dating anyone. I started to picture Lauren more in detail, sliding one if her fingers in her wet center, pumping in and out until she was on the verge of bliss. I, myself wanted to get off right about now, but the thought of me getting off to the thought of my friend seemed so shameful to me. Since when was I shameful? I always was shameless. So maybe it was that I was almost soaking now, incredibly turned on, or that it was so late at night, I trailed my hand down towards the hem of my panties. I lightly grazed against my crotch area, meeting wetness. I slid my hand under them and began to run my fingers through my slick folds, biting back the urge to moan. I slid in a finger and began to pump, imagining Lauren doing the same to herself. I tried to make myself picture Lauren panting and moaning, then I pictured it was Lauren's hand in me instead of my own. What on hell possessed me to do this to myself? Whatever it was I was obviously enjoying it and I had no intention of stopping. As I imagined Lauren going faster, my needs began to be vocalized unexpectedly. "Laauren." My eyes widened as I moaned out her name. Just as I thought about how naughty this was I was sure I had came. Sure enough I felt myself shake and my walls clench. After a while I pulled my fingers out and wiped them on my sheets. After my whole pleasure trip I decided to try and forget this whole entire situation. The other part of me tried to defend me by saying that I was a 18 year old girl, of course I would get horny from time to time. I checked the time to see an hour had passed and I decided to sleep this off. I have no idea what came over me, but it happened and it felt so good, so I have no regrets. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to a deep sleep.


I feel like I'm rushing this but hey Camila's right a girl has her needs lmao.

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