Chapter 23

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Camila looked at Lauren nervously. She fidgeted with her fingers. She gazed up to look at fierce green eyes for the first time in two years. Just upon seeing them, Camila's breath hitched. She gulped growing even more nervous now that she had her eyes set on the magnificent green orbs. "Yup, that's me," Camila tried to joke. Upon seeing Lauren's frown she realized she might not be in the greatest of moods now. Lauren huffed and noticed Camila had came with multiple bags, implying she had wanted to stay. Lauren grudgingly let the other Latina in. "Guys! You wouldn't believe who finally came to visit us!" Lauren yelled to the others. Camila grew anxious again at the thought of meeting her friends again. Dear god did she miss them all. Loud thumping was heard meaning Dinah was running towards the living room. Sure enough, Dinah appeared with a glint in her eyes. Dinah spotted the brunette while she gave her a small shy smile. The Polynesian lunged towards the Latina for a hug making Camila almost fall completely. Now, Lauren was finding it hard to frown, she cracked a smile at the two. She knew how much Dinah had missed Camila over the years. Dinah was still latched on to Camila and Lauren was getting worried that the smaller girl might die. "Okay Dinah, I think that you should let go of the girl before you kill her," Lauren chuckled. Dinah finally let go with a wide smile plastered on her face. Soon the other girls made an entrance. Ally hiding behind Normani in fear on why Dinah had run so fast. Ally finally laid her eyes on Camila and squealed, "Mila!" Ally also engulfed her in a hug, but didn't cause Camila to fall down like Dinah had done. "Hi Ally," Camila greeted the small girl warmly. Ally let go after a couple minutes with a wide smile. "Where have you been girl?" Normani spoke up chuckling. "We've been waiting for you to come visit." Camila stood awkwardly not sure how she should reply. She looked towards Lauren, happy that the strong frown she had was now replaced with an expectant grin. Camila gained courage to tell the truth. "I just thought it would be better if id just disappeared, Im sorry guys," Camila said apologetically. The girls surrounding her gave her a smile, except for Lauren. Camila gave her a pleading look. She knew the green eyed girl was mad. That was her least favorite fact of Lauren, that she was mad at her. Lauren caught her look and scoffed, "Ill be in my room if you need me guys." With that, she was gone. Camila didnt know what she was expecting. In her made up reality she was expecting a hug and an 'I missed you so much', but Camila knew she couldnt live by her made up life. She had to grow the fuck up and face reality. And the reality of things was that Lauren was mad at her, and she had fucked up big time. Camila made her goal to make up with Lauren. She would take her rightful place as her girlfriend someday. "Hey Mila, snap out of it," Dinah's voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts. Camila looked at her, "Sorry Dinah, were you saying something?" "Uh yeah, that we should catch up. Its been two years, many things have happened," Dinah grinned. Camila smiled. She could make up with Lauren later, right now she had to be a good friend for once and catch up with the girls.

Lauren laid on her bed, the piece of paper that meant most to her clutched in her hands. All that was in her mind was that Camila was here. Camila had kept her promise. Sure it had took her two years but now shes here. Lauren was conflicted on how she should react. Her brain was telling her that she still did something wrong so she had to give her the cold shoulder, but her heart was telling her to just run into her arms and wonder what the hell she was doing. Lauren reread the letter for what was about the fifth time already. She had been so drawn into it. The respecful thing Lauren couldve done was stay with the other girls in the living room, but she was overwhelmed with Camila in the picture again. Maybe this would be good for Lauren, to finally get closure. Ironically at that moment Camila walked in to her bedroom. Camila had her mouth open to speak but it opened wider as soon as she saw the walls of the older girls' room. Lauren's room had been decorated with various sketches and paintings of hers. She thought it was calming. Camila appeared to have forgotten about talking with Lauren and was now looking at each wall. When she was done she realized she had just barged in and didnt say anything. Camila chuckled nervously, she wasnt exactly sure where Lauren stood. "Hey Lauren, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Camila asked hesitantly. Lauren sighed and patted her bed signifying Camila to sit. Camila sat and grew even more nervous. She looked at the green eyed girls face to see if there was any anger shown, but thankfully there wasnt any. "So umm, I came back, and uh sorry about the whole thing I told you when I left Miami two years ago. It was so wrong of me. It was all lies, of course I love you. It might be sudden to tell you now but I do. Every day in Mexico all I could think of was you, and how dumb I was. So im so sorry for everything bad ive ever done to you. I promised id make it up to you and I always keep my promises," Camila spilled. Camila was never one to be good with words so she impatiently waited for what Lauren had to say. Lauren on the other hand was in awe. She still thought of her? Shes apologizing? Back in high school, no one had ever heard her say she was sorry. Now here she was, grown and mature. Lauren sighed and did the only think she wanted to do. She wrapped her arms around Camila and hugged her as if she was being taken away from her. "I forgive you Camila, I just dont want you to leave again." Camila was left in a daze when she got hugged suddenly, but she heard her words so she immediately returned the embrace to Lauren. "Dont worry Lo, im not going anywhere." She combed her black hair with her fingers to soothe her. In that moment Camila knew that this is where she belonged. Here in New York, with Lauren.

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