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after miss james woke me from my accidental slumber, and i agreed to help her around the classroom, she walked back over to me and sat on top of the desk in front of me. just seeing her so close gave me butterflies everywhere. suddenly, she grabbed my chin and moved my head from side to side, seemingly examining my face. i furrowed my brow in confusion, and she rolled her eyes and said

"i'm just checking you for bruises, you crashed into that pole pretty hard" she smirked.

"so i have some papers i need you to grade, and a few decorations you can put up" she walked back to her desk and my eyes drifted to her ass and i tilted my head to the side to get a better look. as if she had eyes on the back of her head, she whipped around and stared at me back while shaking her head.

"if you're going to check me out at least be subtle about it" she said, trying not to laugh. i quickly looked up at the ceiling, pretending i wasn't just caught. she seemed like a completely different person when it was just us in the classroom. miss james walked back to my desk and plopped a stack of papers onto it. i groaned and slouched into my chair.

"what am i even in trouble for again?" i asked in a tired voice.

"for being a smart-ass and sleeping in my class. duh" she said and rolled her eyes. i quickly got to work grading. it was uncomfortably quiet for awhile, until i decided to ask her questions to fill the silence.

"so... what's your first name?" i said with a smirk.

"not that you will ever be using it, gwendolyn" she said, very matter-of-factly.

"well gwendolyn, i think that is a very pretty name" i said, leaning back in my chair. "my name is sara."

"yes sara i took attendance this morning, before you fell asleep" she said smirking.

"oh..right" i said while laughing uncomfortably. "most people usually tell me my name is boring, until i tell them i was named after a fleetwood mac song."

"hmm. i never would've taken you for a fleetwood mac fan" she said. "i still don't believe you are. what's your favorite song of theirs?" she said looking up from her desk at me.

"i'm full of surprises i guess. uhh i'd have to say seven wonders, or gypsy."

"mines probably landslide. alexa shuffle fleetwood mac songs."

"awesome" i said looking up. at that second, our eyes met for the second time that day. i think she felt the butterflies too, because she quickly cleared her throat and looked back down at her papers. nothing else happened after that, she actually seemed to get quieter after that moment.

once she let me leave, i went to my favorite coffee shop in my town. it was a nice day out, and rhi had already driven home, so i decided to walk. once the aroma of the coffee hit me when i walked in the shop, i relaxed significantly. i spent twenty minutes there, just reading my book. i brought "the price of salt" because it's probably one of my favorites. as i was reading the part where carol and therese realize someone has been following them, i hear the crash of thunder and look up to see it pouring rain. i hadn't even noticed it start to get cloudy. i groaned and gathered my things, not prepared to walk all the way home in the rain.

i started my journey in the downpour, using my bag to try and shield the pounding rain. i tried to run, but i really couldn't see anything. at that point i gave up and stopped caring about getting wet. i sighed and looked up at the sky, letting the rain pour over my face, asking mother nature why she hates me. it was then that i heard a car honk next to me. the sudden noise scared the living shit out of me, and i jumped a little. when i looked at the car, i realized it was miss james- er gwendolyn was driving. my heart skipped a beat as i rushed into the passenger side, not wasting a minute. she started to laugh once i got in the car, thoroughly confusing me.

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