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i woke up to sunlight streaming in through the windows, birds incessantly chirping, and my mom downstairs screaming at my dad. their relationship changed over the summer and now they are constantly fighting, and my moms usually zen personality goes out the window. i roll my eyes, and check the time. FUCK. my alarm hadn't gone off and school started in 15 minutes! i rolled out of bed, and threw on a random outfit. i chose a black dress with a green cardigan.

(sara's outfit, only with doc martens)i laced up my black boots, and ran downstairs to try to get to school on time

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(sara's outfit, only with doc martens)
i laced up my black boots, and ran downstairs to try to get to school on time. my parents never bought me a car, and rhi was sick today, so i had to walk to school. perfect. i walked into the living room to see my mom yelling at my dad for god knows what. i sighed and ignored them while putting in headphones.
"who is she john? i know you're fucking cheating so just tell me!" my mom yelled. i stormed out of the house and decided to grab my skateboard. i started to skate to school, and i decided to listen to ac/dc on the way. my music was so loud that i didn't even notice when a car pulled up next to me and the driver started talking. i looked over and practically jumped out of my skin. it was miss james.
"sorry?" i said while pulling out my headphones.
"i said, are you gonna get in?" she snarked. i didn't hesitate, and hopped into the passenger seat with my skateboard.
"are you always this pleasant in the morning?" i said, resting my chin on my hand and looking at her.
"like i said yesterday, i will kick you out of the car if need be" she said. then my phone started to ring. i checked the name, it was my mom, probably wanting to talk about this morning. i grudgingly answered.
"baby, you left without saying bye" she said, in her calm voice. she must be done yelling. i shifted in my seat so miss james couldn't hear as well.
"i'm not gonna get in the middle of your scream fest to say goodbye. now if i recall correctly, you still have some more cheating accusations to throw at dad" i said and hung up. i let out a sigh, and miss james looked over to me and arched an eyebrow.
"family issues?" she asked.
"we don't have to get into it" i said, and turned the radio up. i kept my eyes out the window for most of the ride, embarrassed.

once we arrived at school, i thanked miss james for the ride, and she just nodded her head. i felt awkward after she heard my phone call. i don't tell many people about my home life, rhiannon is the only person who knows about it.

a couple periods had passed, and i had math next. i really didn't feel like doing trig today, so i decided to skip and go hangout in the garden behind the school. i walked into the beautiful garden with all of its vivid flowers, and took a seat under a willow tree, and pulled out my writing notebook. that's another thing about me, i enjoy writing, but i've never let anyone read my work. a few minutes passed, and i was basking in the silence. i started to think about how happy my family used to be, before the fights started. we would all eat meals together as a family, and now everyone just eats in their room or in front of the tv. my parents don't even share a room anymore. just thinking about my fucked up home life got me sobbing. i pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into my arms.

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