edge of seventeen

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pls she's so pretty i can't even

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pls she's so pretty i can't even


                            SARA'S POV

i spent most of the night tossing and turning. i was nervous and jittery for the paris trip that we left for in the morning. i'm excited to spend a week in paris with gwendolyn, but it's still a school trip so i doubt we'll be able to spend time together. just then, my alarm was going off. fuck, i never actually fell asleep and now i had to go meet my group at the school. i reluctantly got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

"alexa shuffle fleetwood mac!" i yelled. 'sara' started blasting through the speaker and i danced as i looked through my closet for a decent outfit for the plane ride. i found a soft blue dress that was super comfy, and i put a grey sweater on top of it incase i got cold.

i slipped on some sandals, made my coffee, grabbed my suitcase, and i was out the door

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i slipped on some sandals, made my coffee, grabbed my suitcase, and i was out the door. my mom was on another work trip, which i was thankful for since it was one less person i had to deal with. i waited on my porch for rhi to pick me up, since she's also going on the trip. she pulled up in her car and i could hear the bass of her music blasting from where i stood on the porch. i grabbed my stuff and threw it in her trunk. i situated myself in the front seat and turned down her awful music.

"what's up bitch" she said.

"i didn't sleep at all last night, i'm fucking tired" i said, slouching down.

"sleep on the plane dumbass" she said. i basically inhaled my coffee on the drive to the school and i was thankful rhi wasn't in one of his her talkative moods today. after a comfortably silent ride, we got to the school and already saw people lining up by the bus. there weren't many kids who were going on the trip, so we only needed one bus.

"fuck rhi, we're late" i said, undoing my seatbelt.

"not my fault my cars a piece of shit" she said, kicking the tire. i went around to her trunk, grabbed my bag, and started to head to the bus. i hadn't seen gwen yet, but i assumed she was around here somewhere. rhi jogged to catch up to me.

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