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smut warning😫🤨😏🙈

i woke up on sunday morning with puffy, red eyes and tissues thrown all over my bed. i had cried myself to sleep the previous night because i missed gwen's soft touch. we said goodbye yesterday at the hotel and acted like normal teacher and student on the plane and bus rides. i hated going to sleep without her holding me. luckily i'd see her at school tomorrow, but we both knew it wouldn't be the same.

i got out of bed, causing a mountain of tissues to fall to the floor. i groaned as i went downstairs to find something to eat. my mom wasn't here when i got back last night and she hadn't texted me for the entirety of the trip. as for my dad, i hadn't talked to him since he called me worthless. i'm assuming he's shacking up with his side piece. whatever, i liked having the house to myself all the time. i was rummaging through the pantry for a cereal bar or something, when my phone rang. i looked at the caller id, and my face immediately lit up.

"hi!" i said once i answered, a little too enthusiastically.

"hi? are you drunk?" gwen asked with a laugh. "i don't think i've ever heard you so excited."

"no i've just missed you. i cried myself to sleep last night" i admitted.

"why?" she chuckled.

"because! i missed you holding me! you've got me addicted" i said.

"poor baby" she mocked. "if you can come over later? it could be like a date but at my house since we can't really go out in public..." her voice trailed off, probably because she remembered our situation.

"i'd love to. what time?" i asked.

"how about 1? and then you can get home around 8 since we have school tomorrow"

"sounds perfect. see you soon!" i said, smiling to myself.

"try not to get too excited" she said, and i could picture her smirking right now. i rolled my eyes and hung up as i called rhi. we didn't talk a lot on the plane or bus because we were both pretty tired. i've felt sort of distant from her lately, and i miss how close we used to be.

"sara? what's up?" she answered.

"hey so i have a date and i was wondering if you could come help me pick an outfit me over there?" i giggled. sometimes i used rhi for her car but it's not my fault my parents never bought me one.

"ugh fine i'll be over in twenty" she groaned and hung up. i hopped in the shower and quickly washed my hair. i smiled to myself just at the thought of seeing gwen again. you just saw her last night why the hell do you miss her so much? i thought to myself. i got out of the shower after 5 minutes and wrapped a towel around myself. i brushed my hair and put my curl products in, then i heard the front door open. i heard rhi bounding up the stairs and i called "in here!" she burst through the bathroom door panting.

"WHOS THE DATE WITH?!" she yelled, still trying to catch her breath. i rolled my eyes and went to my bedroom with rhi following me.

"you don't need to know" i said.

"but you told me it's someone i know?" she said.

"just shut up and help me find a cute outfit!" i pleaded. she raised her hands in surrender and went over to my closet.

"so where is this date?" she asked.

"just her house" i said. she scoffed and turned to me with a shocked face.

"she's taking you to her house for a date?" she asked.

"the situation is complicated! and i'm happy with staying at home instead of going to some fancy restaurant" i said. she rolled her eyes and began rummaging through my closet.

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