my favorite teacher

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i woke up practically on top of gwen, with her arms still tightly wrapped around me. i smiled to myself as i looked over at her clock. 6:00. we've been asleep for awhile. but i felt so safe and comfy that i didn't bother moving. i was about to drift back to sleep when my phone began to ring from my backpack that was sitting on the floor. i sighed and rolled off of gwen and out of bed, trying my hardest not to wake her. my nausea had mostly subsided and i was feeling much better.

i grabbed my still ringing phone and headed onto her balcony, closing the door behind me. i looked at the caller id and my heart dropped. rhiannon. she must finally be ready to talk. i hesitantly answered the call and was met with an awkward silence.

"sara?" she finally spoke.

"rhi? where have you been?" i asked. more awkward silence.

"i didn't plan on ignoring you" she said. "i was going to go to your house on sunday and ask what the hell i saw in the parking lot the night of prom, but my parents dragged me to my grandmothers house and she lives in the middle of nowhere so there's no reception and i had to miss school because my grandmas cat wasn't feeling well and grandma is too old to take care of her and..." rhi began to ramble.

"rhi, it's fine. i'm not mad, i was just worried." i cut her off. "i was expecting a talk about the consequences of my actions and how stupid i was being, not total silence."

"can i meet you right now?" she asked. i looked back at gwen through the glass door, and saw that she was still sound asleep, looking like a whole angel.

"yeah, i can meet you at starbucks in 15" i say. she agrees and hangs up. i let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair, what am i supposed to say to her? yeah i'm fucking our english teacher, but it's ok because she's hot. i'll figure it out on the way there i guess.

i quietly go back inside and grab a piece of paper to leave a note. i quickly scribble,

i went to get coffee, i'll be back soon
love you,

hopefully she doesn't freak out when she realizes i'm not here. i put the note on her nightstand in a spot that she hopefully will see it in. i looked down and saw that i still had gwens clothes on, but it's just a rolling stones t shirt and shorts, so i should be fine without changing. i head downstairs and out the front door, and begin walking to starbucks.

when i get there, i see rhi already sitting outside, with a grim expression. i walk up to her table and take a seat across from her.

"hi" she says, looking up from her lap.

"im sorry" i quickly say. she furrows her brows and says,

"for what?"

"for not telling you, i didn't want to risk gwendolyn's job or anything so i just kept it to myself, but i really wanted to tell you."

"gwendolyn?" she mutters. "did she force you into anything? because i swear sara i will beat the-"

"no! oh my god, no. we both had been feeling the same way for awhile, and then on that trip to paris we decided to do something about it i guess." i say, nervously playing with my rings.

"the trip to paris? that's why you were acting so weird?"

"yeah, i'm not very good at keeping things from you." i admit. rhi nods and begins to mess with her straw wrapper, looking deep in thought.

"the english teacher huh?" she finally says.

"it's not just a fling rhi, i'm in love with her."

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