absence makes the heart grow fonder

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summer was quickly approaching and we had only a small amount of school days left. i was grateful because junior year had kicked my ass (the sats, finals, etc.) plus, summer meant more free time to spend with gwen. she had been very busy with grading finals and other end of the year things.

i'm currently hanging out with rhi in her room, since i haven't seen much of her lately.

"dude can you believe we have one more week of school and then we're seniors?!" rhi exclaimed. i shook my head and said, "yeah, if you actually passed your finals, which is a big if." she groaned and chucked a pillow at me. then my phone went off, and i saw i had gotten a text from gwen.

"ooo is it you know who?" rhi asked, before diving onto her bed beside me.

"she's not fucking voldemort, you can say her name" i rolled my eyes and checked my phone.

what time will you be home?

i smiled to myself, she sounded like my wife or something.

soon, i just left two hours ago do you miss me already?

of course i miss you, i didn't get to say goodbye since i was asleep

deep down i missed her too, we've both been extremely busy the past few weeks and our schedules limited the time we spent together

i'll be home in a little<3

i looked up at rhi who was grinning like an idiot.

"you look like pennywise with that stupid smile" i remarked.

"i'm just happy to see you so happy!" she said before aggressively tackling me


i went home a couple hours later, expecting my girlfriend to be impatiently waiting for my arrival at the front door, but instead i just heard silence.

"gwendolyn?" i shout. then i notice a post it note on the counter of the kitchen.

so sorry, there's an emergency with grades i had to deal with at school, i'll be back tonight

i sighed and threw the note away. not being able to see her as often as i used to has been physically painful. i decided not to bask in my misery, and instead watch a movie. i turned on dark shadows, because it's one of my favorites.

eventually i got hungry and decided to microwave some dinner. it's about 6 pm and gwen is still at work. i warmed up leftover pasta and before i could sit down to eat it, my phone rang. i groaned and set down the appetizing bowl of carbs as i took the phone call. it was my mother.

"mom?" i reluctantly answer

"sara, i finished my assignment early and came home a couple minutes ago. where are you?" shit.

"i'm just at a friends house for dinner, i'll come home right now" i quickly say, and hang up. i gather my things and quickly leave a note for gwen.

my mother came home early so i'm going over to my house to talk to her. i probably won't be back tonight, so don't miss me too much

i had rhi drop me off here, so unfortunately i had to walk back to my house.

after a long walk in the grueling heat, i finally stumble through the front door. immediately i can hear that my mother is on a phone call so i book it upstairs to try to make my room look more lived in.

"sara? are you home?" she asks, coming up the stairs. she comes into my room and smiles widely. "oh i missed you so much" she says, obviously lying. i lie through my teeth and return the sentiment. this is going to be a hellish night.

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