CHAPTER 2: Rogan

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"You have crossed me for the LAST fucking time you piece of shit!" I tell this weak scared rogue who acts tough but when push comes to shove, cowers away like the little bitch he is.

"I-I said I was sorry." He pleads.

"You knew the rules and the consequences if you didn't hold up to your part of the bargain. And I don't make exceptions for nobody." I remind him in a threatening demeanor.

"B-but please. I-I swear I won't come here anymore." He begs.

"That's what you said a month ago when I caught you for the second time. Your out of chances." I tell him with a grin and then snap his neck with the strong grip from my hand and drop him to the ground hard.

I am so sick of people thinking that just because my father is the Head Elder of the Wolf Council, that I am ANYTHING like him and that I will ever be like him when I become the new Head Elder after he retires.

I have fought all my life trying to avoid being in his shadow and to make a name for myself and become my OWN wolf and do things differently when I took over. For the most part, I have done just that but now, it's just waiting for my father to give up his title and seat.

Growing up with my father was a nightmare. I used to convince myself that by him treating me roughly, it was his way of showing me how the real world was and was trying to help strengthen me. As well as showing his love for me.

Nothing I ever did for him was good enough though and when my mother left us after I had turned three years old, I was left in his care.

I resented my mother for leaving me here with him and abandoning us both without any explanation or even an apology. But fuck it. Fuck her! I don't care what her reasoning was or if she was scared-she LEFT us! Period! Whatever though, I'm over it and have BEEN over it for a while now.

My father soon seemed to become more aggressive in my training however and toughening me up earlier on to become one of the best and strongest Alpha, just like him and his father and his father before him and so on.

My father had never married again but always had many women come over and there were only a couple of them who were ever there more than one night, like a year or so, before he kicked them out after they tried to 'replace' my mother.

I loathed him just as much as her. I hated him with a passion and it wasn't until a few years ago, that we got into a huge argument and he threw me out and told me never to come back ever again!

So I have stayed away all of this time and sure I have had some days where I had missed him but most of the time, I never do.

Right as soon as I stormed into my bedroom to get cleaned up to go out with my pack tonight, I noticed the girl I have been seeing now for a few months, who really is just a booty call and who knows I don't do relationships since the last two I had years ago ended tragicall. She still tries to change my mind and make her my Luna but that will never happen.

She's laying on the bed naked and ready for me so I take the opportunity and take care of both our needs before getting up and taking a shower then getting ready.

After I walked out of the shower and put on my watch, clothes and combed back my hair then put cologne on, I saw she was waiting for me already dressed.

"So where are you going tonight?" She asks.

"Out." I reply while avoiding eye contact.

"Want me to wait here?" She cooes.

"No. In fact, you should leave. I will be back late tonight and will want my bed to be emptied. I'll hit you up again when I need you." I tell her coldly.

Then I heard a loud sigh come from her as I was reaching for the door knob.

"What?" I asked as I turned around to face her.

"Well, actually, I am leaving the day after tomorrow. I just found out earlier today that the Moon Goddess has supposedly found my mate for me and I'm supposed to meet him in a few days." She tells me without making any eye contact.

Now, it isn't that it hurts or that I am not truly happy for her, because I am, but it sucks because that whole mate bullshit is so chain-bounding and fairytale-like that it's pointless and a sham. I mean really, someone tells you who you belong with? Yeah, I don't remember her giving me that much luxury with my other two so called 'mates.'

However, since I'm not THAT much of a jerk, I decide to force a smile on my face.

"Well, congratulations and hope things work out." I tell her sincerely before saying 'goodbye' as I grab my jacket and leave her some money on the dresser for a cab, before next heading out towards the driveway onto my motorcycle, where the guys are all waiting for me on theirs, before we start taking off to the club nearby.

"What the hell was that all about?"  My Beta (Second in Command), Foley, mind links me.

"Mind your own business!"  I snap at him.

"Alright. Just wanted to see if you were alright."  He mentions.

"Well don't worry! You know me, I don't care about all that. If she wants to give up her freedom and waste time on all that shit, then that's her decision."   I replied as we continued heading towards the club.

The Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door busting open and an upset Foley quickly walking to the side of my bed.

"Alpha, it's your father! He's in trouble!" He says.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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