CHAPTER 13: Alicyn

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Throughout the next few days, just as I had predicted, Irena was able to get enough sleep and has healed fast. The scars will be hard to see unless you are real close to their locations but otherwise, she will be fine overall.

I had just finished making the both of us breakfast when I looked up and noticed she was walking out of the bedroom.

"Hey." She says quietly.

"Hey!" I smiled at her while placing down our plates and some tea. "How ya feeling'?" I ask.

"Better. Thank you." She says then comes to sit down.

We begin eating and although this might be too soon to even bring up right now and may not even be the right moment, I have been waiting for the last few days to talk with her and ask some questions that has been eating away at me ever since.

"Irena? What is going on?" I come right out and finally ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were homeless?" I ask feeling hurt that she never trusted me enough to say anything.

"How did you know?" She asks after setting down her fork and stops eating for a moment while avoiding eye contact with me.

"I went to your place the other day to grab your things, only to be told you haven't lived there for a couple of months now." I say.

She looks down at her plate and was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"I didn't want to tell you." She begins.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well, because I know how worried you would be and you always are there for people and help them even when you have short supply of things. I was afraid and a little embarrassed, but mostly afraid of telling you because I didn't want to be a charity or anything like that. Plus, people have been leaving town and I just thought you had a lot on your plate already and didn't want to add more." She tells me.

How could she ever think that?! I mean yeah, sure, I am stubborn too and most likely would have not told her if the shoe was on the other foot while she was giving me this same speech I am her, but then again, we are like sisters to each other.

"Irena, look at me." I tell her while it takes her a moment until she finally looks at me with her eyes watering.

"Irena, we are best friends. You're like a sister to me. You are the only family I have left and who I wouldn't know what to do if something were to happen to you. Like the other day when you first got here. I was more afraid than I have been in my entire life. I thought I wouldn't have enough things to help save you. Thankfully Foley brought you here." I tell her.

She nearly chokes on her tea as soon as I mention that.

"So you met Foley then." She mutters to herself and looks at her folded hands in her lap for a brief moment before looking back up at me.

"Well, I had my suspicions the moment I noticed the amount of fear in his eyes when asking about you. But, I want to hear it from you. How do you know him and why didn't you tell me you two were together?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "We had both promised each other we wouldn't tell anyone until we figured things out. We met a couple of weeks ago and hit it off right away and then a couple days later he told me, I was his mate." She says with a smile.

"Irena...." I began.

"I know Alicyn. I know it could never work. But I can't reject him. I don't want to. He looks at me and makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. He says and does things to me I never thought was real or possible." She says with a small smile.

I can tell by the tone of her voice that she is smitten with him and really loves him. Not that I have anything against it, but lately what has all been going on, it's hard for me to really trust anyone, including wolves.

Then again, at the same time, Foley seems different than the others. So the both of us continue sitting there for another moment before I finally say something.

"Well, I can tell he really cares about you and gives me good vibes. So I guess, I am happy for you both. I truly am and I will stand by the both of your guys' relationship." I smile at her while reaching out and holding her hand.

The tears that were close to falling down her face, she smiles and wipes them away before standing up and throwing both her arms around me.

"Thank you so much! And thank you for letting me stay with you." She says excitedly.

I swear, she looks like a teen girl who just found out her crush likes her back. Which in a way, it's like that, I guess.


Later on today, we started designing some clothes and I had a lot of different material and learned from the family I lived with before moving back here, in how to sew. So we started working on some outfits, since she didn't have anything, until a couple of hours later we heard a knock at the door.

Right away, I knew it had to be Foley since she told me earlier he was coming by but also, the scent he gave off (that ALL wolves give off actually).

Right when she opened the door and he came walking inside, they held one another tightly and he seemed to not want to let her go. They looked so happy and looked good together, I noticed.

When he looked up and nodded his head at me, I did the same back.

"Hey Alicyn." He greets me.

"Hey Foley." I replied.

"What are you doing?" He asks as they start heading over to where I'm at at the table we were sewing clothes at.

"Alicyn and I were sewing some outfits for me since I didn't have any clothes. Although she is a lot better than I am at designing and sewing." Irena giggled.

"I don't know about that, but why don't you both go for a walk or whatever you wanted to do and I'll make us some lunch soon." I mention.

"Or I could buy something for us?!" Foley suggests.

"I'm not gonna poison you." I teased. "Although if you ever did hurt her I would have no choice but to kill you in the worst most sufferable way in the world." I tell him with an evil grin-both half serious and half joking.

I heard him gulp loudly and nodded in agreement he would never do that.

"Deal." He smiled. "Oh and hey, uh, I hope you don't mind, but I brought Rogan with me." He says nervously as he rubs the back of his neck.

I froze. In fact, I almost was going to yell at him. Why the hell did he invite Rogan?! What the hell?!? Just cause I allowed him to come in, DOESN'T mean I want Rogan here. This is my house, Damnit!!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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