EPILOGUE: 7 Years Later

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All of us were able to heal within a few weeks, because it took a while for myself to be healed, before I could create things to heal everyone else rapidly.

Once we all were fully recovered, both Irena and I had to face the Witches Council and inform them all what happened. Then Rogan and Foley had to do the same with the Wolf Council.

New Elders were appointed afterwards by Rogan's father before he then announced Rogan as the new Head Elder and was put in to effect right away.

New treaties were made between all Councils including with humans. There was an understanding and the division was gone. No more diversity-nothing. Everything changed right away.

Now, of course there are others who disagree and who will try to reverse what we have done but, I believe we are stronger and if we all stand in unity together, they will never succeed. They will never EVER again have control or be able to use their fear to create the hatred they did.

Unfortunately, nobody knew exactly what Theodore wanted with me. Why he wanted to use me and apparently the one's who did know, including himself, obviously, were all dead. To be honest, it doesn't keep me up at night, so I could care less. The only thing that matters now, is how we plan to protect ourselves among others from those who try and destroy the world.

After my parents were killed, I used to believe there was no hope for the future. I had heard from my parents about their grandparents fighting in wars to try to keep and protect those who created the laws and treaties we originally had created since the beginning of our existence, centuries ago. And now......now I no longer see that.

One year after all of that happened and things began to settle down somewhat, Irena and Foley both got married and had a child nine months later.

Then a year after that, Rogan and I had got married and a year after that, I was pregnant with twins, a boy and girl and I couldn't be any happier. We named our daughter after Rogan's mother, Leona and we named our son after my father, Lewis.

Rogan is a great husband, father, son, Alpha, Leader.....the list goes on and he is all mine. Life doesn't get any better than this.

"Okay...So Lewis and Leona were caught fighting while I was trying to paint outside and when I tried to see what happened, in doing so, while chasing them to try and get a hold of them, this is the result."  Rogan walked into the living room with our kids beside him and they were all three covered from head to toe in paint splatters.

I tried to hold in my laughter and fight back a smile, even though Rogan was glaring at me right now and upset a little. So I cleared my throat before saying anything.

"Wow." I said. Then I got my serious mommy look on my face and knelt down at the kids. "Alright, who wants to tell me what happened?" I asked.

Neither Lewis or Leona said anything right away and just looked at each other for a moment before looking at me before Lewis finally said something.

"Leona said she was bettwer than me at throwing fire bwalls and that she was fastwer than me." He tells me with that cute four year old talk and his serious pouting face that always is too cute to take seriously.

"Is that so?" I asked before looking at Leona.
"Leona? Is that true?" I asked her.

She looked mad and pouty with her arms crossed over her chest.

"But mom, it isn't my fwault I am fastwar and bettwer than him." She whines.

"Leona? We talked about this before. Just because you are a little bit better at something than he is, doesn't mean you are the best and does not mean you can tell him you are. It is mean and is not okay to do that to anybody, especially your brother. You both are friends and need to help each other." I tell her. "Besides, you wouldn't want me to take away those another from you and give them all to your brother, right?" I asked.

Now obviously I can't do that and wouldn't anyways, but she doesn't know that. I look at Rogan as he gives me a curious look thinking if I can do that or not, but he knows I can't by the wink I just gave him.

"We sowry." They both tell me in unison after looking at each other again only this time, hugging and apologizing to one another.

Next, I had them apologize to Rogan who of course forgave them, gave them each a hug and kiss, then had them go upstairs to get rained up before dinner.

Rogan than looked at me and smiled.

"Once again, you out parented me." He teases.

"Babe, remember, it's not a competition. But if it was, yeah." I teased back.

We both chuckled before he went upstairs and got cleaned up also as I started dinner.

Tonight, Irena and Foley both were coming over with their kid and I wanted to make sure everything was ready by the time they got here.

She finishing up adding some garnishes on the main course, I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind and Rogan placing some rather heated kisses on my neck.

"Mmmm.....Smells good." He tells me between kisses.

"I hope it tastes as good." I chuckle.

"Mmm, I bet it will." He tells me.

He knows what it does to me whenever he touches me like he is right now.

"Baby, we can't right now, I have to finish this up and get ready before Irena and them get here." I tell him between breaths.

"We can do a quickie. The kids are playing upstairs, already cleaned up and dressed, and you can just do your magic and have things being made while we do that." He tells me while kissing me on the side of my neck as I start to feel his hand slowly move down to between my legs, over my jeans.

I begin to moan and bite my lower lip a little bit before taking over and having us head upstairs to continue and I'm glad we did because oh my god that would have been hard to wait until tonight.

The rest of the night was great and his father had returned minutes before we started to sit down and eat, from a trip he went out of town on, after we have been trying to get him to use his retiring days to enjoy himself and he finally did it.

If I could take a picture of my life right now and with us all sitting down here at the table, I would have this moment blown up and framed to where everybody could see it. This was a perfect picture. A moment I always wanted since I was a little girl.

I can't wait for what's to come and can't ask for more.

                              The End

Alright guys, it's over. 😢 I hope you all have enjoyed this story and guess what? That's right, you guessed it, I have another one I will be posting starting tomorrow (Monday, July, 5th). It's called 'Accidentally In Love' and is a Mafia romance. It'll be cute and funny. :);). Hope you all like it and give it a chance. :):). Love you all and please be safe today cause of the craziness on this Holiday. :):)

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