CHAPTER 18: Rogan

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Never in a million years did I ever think there would come a day when I would be together with a Witch. However, she has been proving more and more, the many times I have spent with her so far, that she is different than any other girl I have ever been with, in general, let alone her kind......I like it.

We both decided that we wouldn't tell anyone right away of course though, other than Irena and Foley, because of the bullshit rivalry and the possibility in the both of our councils, among others, getting word and things becoming hugely blown out of proportion.

It has now been several weeks since my father left and haven't heard from him since.

While he's been gone though, I have tried to look for things that the councilmen might have wanted me to get for them but have discovered the more and more times I have turned this house upside down looking for some information they would need or want, I still was coming up empty-handed.

Ever since I was little, growing up I noticed that he was always good at keeping things hidden. It is possible also that he probably kept anything important at his quarters in the hall where they hold the council meetings.

So today, I had decided to head there and try to find what I could since there was nobody there, other than the secretary and the men standing guard at the front doors.

The good thing about being who I am, they never would question anything as to why I was there in which makes it easier for me to be able to walk right passed them and not worry about being asked questions.

While scrummaging around looking for anything I could, I still wasn't having much luck in finding anything. Wow, this was actually going to be harder than I thought.

Then right as I sat down behind the desk trying to think of anywhere I haven't looked yet, I noticed out the corner of my eye a small dark-red-cherry-wood-made box sitting off in the distance on the book shelf somewhat hidden. Then after grabbing it and sitting back down to examine it, I immediately noticed in the front of it that I could open it with a skeleton shaped key.

Great! Now I had to try and find a key that most likely he had on him.

I tried even picking at the lock but still it remained locked and wouldn't budge.

I was about to feel defeated until I suddenly remembered the time back before I had left that he had a specific book on the shelf that gave the illusion of a thick book but really, had a part of it cut out where he kept a key in it. I remember even him showing me it when I was little.

I couldn't remember the title on it but I remember it had a faded corner at the top and looked worn out with a very faded light blue color.

Once I spotted it, I finally opened it up and suddenly, the moment I looked at the key and grabbed it, I held it in my hand and just looked at it for a moment just getting a feeling of anxiety before heading back towards the chair and cautiously placing the key in the hole and unlocking it.

The moment I heard the 'clicking' sound to let me know it was unlocked, I took a big nervous gulp and began to open the lid and when I looked inside, I was shocked at what I saw.

I felt in a way like I had been a little disappointed while trying to look for treasure of some kind and finding instead a worn down leather bound journal with a tattered string keeping it closed and no gold or treasure.

I should have left it at that. But something deep down inside made me continue and look through all that was in there.

When I lifted up the journal, I noticed hidden underneath it was a small picture of my mother holding me when I was born and smiling, as well as a picture of me when I first learned to shift and then both a necklace and a ring that must have belonged to my mother.

Maybe this was her journal also. I guess there was only one way to find out. So slowly I started opening up the journal.

The first page had taped to it a picture of me as a baby and then a picture of my father when he was a teenager and her, which I didn't know they knew each other that long.

Interested and intrigued to know more, I started flipping through the pages and quickly started realizing that this was almost like a book of her life. She had entries that looked to be like a diary entry and then random things, up until she died.

Then right as I flipped to the last page, I noticed a folded up aged paper.

I began opening it up to see what it read and the moment I started reading it, I was in disbelief and so much disgust. Nothing I was reading could have possibly been true.

Everything I was reading was painting a whole different picture of my parents and all that I knew. Was my childhood and upbringing a complete and utter lie?!

There is no way that any of this could have been true. The council or nobody would have allowed any of this to have happened. Why didn't my dad ever tell me?

Before I could process anymore, I was immediately mindlinked by Foley to come quickly to the house. Someone tried to attack Alicyn and had tried burnimg down her cottage with her inside.

I quickly gathered everything and placed it all back in the box with the key in there as well and would lock it later. Right now, I needed to make sure Alicyn was okay.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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