CHAPTER 20: Rogan

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Throughout the next few days, I have been going back and forth in rather or not I should mention to Alicyn in what I read on the piece of paper I had found in the box from my father's office.

Then finally, I decided to just go ahead and tell her. I need to tell her. Both her, Foley and everybody else. So I grabbed the box I had placed in the back of my closet on the shelf before making my way downstairs and quickly remembered that Alicyn and Irena both had gone into town with a few guys from the pack so they could get some clothes and things, so I waited in the living room for them to return.

Foley had come from the kitchen to sit down across the couch from me and noticed the box on the coffee table between us.

"What's that?" He asked. "Aww, is that a gift for Alicyn?!" He teases.

"No. I found it in my father's office at the hall." I tell him with seriousness in the tone of my voice.

He begins looking at me concerned. Then leans forward a little on the edge of the couch towards me.

"What......" He started to ask me something but was stopped right away as soon as the front door came swinging opened hard and in ran a couple of the men I had sent with Alicyn and Irena into town to grab some clothes and things they needed and they were out of breath.

Foley and I both stood abruptly and before they finished catching their breaths, we both knew something was wrong.

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They. Took. Them." One of them manages to say during breaths.

"Who took them?!" I asked.

"We think they were rogues. They looked to be like rogues. When they approached us as we were on our way towards the car to come home, so many out of nowhere came and practically jumped us. They took the girls and then killed Roy." One of my guys says.

Roy was an Omega and younger than all of us. He was sixteen and still had a lot going for him.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"They were taken along with the girls. We barely escaped but, we swear Alpha, we tried." The guy says with tears in his eyes while hiding his side.

The guys looked banged up pretty badly, meanwhile, the girls had been taken by a bunch of rogues.

"FUCK!!" I shouted as I started pacing back and forth in anger and gripping at my hair.

"Calm down. We're gonna find them." Foley tries and tells me before looking at one of the guys. "Did you guys get a good look of any of the rogues?" He asks them.

"Yeah. We can easily point them out. They had the same and distinct tattoos on the side of their necks." One of the guys says.

Wait a second, rogues, although at times come in packs, they aren't actual packs. Meaning they wouldn't have matching tattoos. Something isn't right here. They could not have been rogues.

"What kind of tattoo?" I asked.

"It was a deep red color, almost like blood with a dripping effect of a moon. Almost like...." He stops after I mention the same thing he does and say it at the same time.

"Blood on the moon." We say in unison.

"What? What is it?" Foley asks.

Suddenly, I began to remember seeing that symbol when I was a kid that was hidden in my father's drawer. So I hurry and run into his study there and pull it out on the thin chain he kept it on. Was he the leader of this?

"Oh my god." I say under my breath.

I next clench it tightly in my fist and start to become enraged.

Foley and the men all run in to see what was happening.

"What's going on?!" Foley asks me.

"Gather the pack. Prepare them for a fight." I struggle a bit to say.

"Rogan...." Foley begins to protest but I snap at him.

"I said tell the others to come and prepare for a fight." I repeat more aggressively this time.

Foley turns around to look at the guys and has them run to tell others while he stays behind and I begin thrashing my father's study.

"Alpha, stop it!" Foley shouts at me.

All I feel right now, is rage. All I see, is red. All I want is to kill my father and the council.

I get all caught up in thrashing the study and releasing my anger that I ignore Foley completely the entire time he is trying to get my attention until he eventually grabs my arms and has me face him and stop.

"Stop it! Now tell me what the hell is going on?" He demands.

"My father is the leader of these so called rogues." I tell him with much disgust and distaste in my mouth as I hand him both the necklace and the paper I had found in the box then began going into all I found in there also.

When he had finished reading it, he seemed to have the same reaction as I did. He too was in disbelief and utter shock at what he just read that he nearly fell to his knees onto the floor but caught himself and sat down in one of the armchairs across from the desk.

"I can't believe this. But wait, your father, according to this paper, he is trying to stop all of this. Maybe that necklace is some type of proof he needs to expose the Elders and what they have been doing. Then again, I don't know. I mean your father hasn't responded to our mindlinks and we haven't gotten word from the Elders, but do you honestly think he is in on all of this?" He says. "And oh my god, what if Alicyn and Irena find this out? They're gonna think...." He stops himself from saying the rest.

"I know. I already have thought about that also. Which is why we are going to make sure they know the truth. As well as others. We are going to make EVERYONE know the truth and expose the Elders for what they really are. Then as soon as I become the new Head Elder, things are gonna change -including the laws." I tell him. "There will be no more divisions between kinds and treaties will be made and kept."

He just nods in agreement as we sit there for a while longer until the others arrive. It's time this division bullshit gets taken care of once and for all and God help anyone that tries to stop me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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