CHAPTER 3: Alicyn

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It has been a few days now and the day has finally come to where Mr. Bordane's son, Rogan, was arriving and to be honest, I have tried to prepare mentally as much as possible.

While on my way to the house after returning from the store, I began thinking that maybe I shouldn't be so judgemental in assuming that he is like what I've heard and that maybe they're just rumors. Even if they were true, maybe he changed and is no longer like that or other Alpha's.

When I arrived, I noticed there were motorcycles and a few cars parked in front of the house and I already knew who they belonged to.

I wasn't going to show fear though, I needed to remember that.

The moment I opened the door and walked inside, I was immediately greeted with a lot of eyes looking at me and I thought for sure they were going to begin growling or something, knowing what I was.

Then before any of us were able to say something, we all heard arguing upstairs, and one of the voices was Mr. Bordane's.

I hurried and made my way towards his bedroom and I right away noticed him and some guy, who I could only assume was his son by the similarities in facial features, were yelling at one another, but both went quiet when they saw me.

I'm so glad I came when I did though because by the look of things, it seems like they would have killed each other.

"Hello, Alicyn. This is my son, Rogan." Mr. Bordane mentions looking and sounding worn out physically as he starts to lay back down in bed.

"I know who he is. And if you don't mind, I would like to speak with you outside." I firmly tell Rogan.

He glares at me even more intensely than when I came in and know it was to try and intimidate me, but he has no idea that I'm not afraid of him.

He started to growl in frustration but I didn't care. Somebody needs to teach him some damn manners.

It took a few moments before he eventually came stomping out and stood firmly with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You have some nerve interrupting me and my father!" He tells me.

"Oh I have some nerve?! Really?!" I fired back.

He stood there for a moment continuing to glare at me and didn't reply. Then I noticed he was breathing heavily in and out as if he was about to explode.

"If you think for one little second that I'm gonna let some so-called 'healer' come and try to turn my own father against me, then you have another thing coming!" He snaps at me.

"Oh, trust me, you don't need help in THAT department. You've been gone for what, a couple of years? And barely have spoken to your father until you heard he has little chance to live?! So I wouldn't necessarily think I was the reason he would be against you." I fire back at him.

"You don't know shit!" He snaps at me. "You think you know my father? You think he is a nice man?! You have only been taking care of him for what, a couple of weeks? You don't know him. He's fooling you with that whole 'good father' act of his."

"You should be grateful you even have him!" I snapped back no longer being able to hold in my frustration anymore. "And since he's the last of your parents, you should really take a genuine interest in his well being rather than portraying a selfish, spoiled little Alpha shithead who wants nothing more than to make sure he inherits a stupid title!" I finished with the feeling of more than just satisfaction.

He looked infuriated beyond words as his nostrils flared, his face began turning red and his tightly clenched fists at his sides were indicating he wanted to hit or blow up at me. So I waited for it. But it didn't come.

"I'm warning you for the last time, you should mind your own business!" He snaps immediately in reply before starting to walk off right past me.

"Or what, you gonna hurt me? Growl at me?!" I asked in a mocking tone.

I swear, ALL wolves are alike, including these young Alpha ones with their heads up their asses, thinking they are better than everybody else and their shit doesn't stink! But guess what? It DOES!

He doesn't say anything else for a moment and then just continues to furiously look at me while clenching his fists tightly at his sides still looking even more like he is about to lose control at any second this time. The next thing I see is him stomping towards me. But I am not showing this asshole any fear still.

"Now you better listen good because I don't like repeating myself. You better remember your place. If you want to stay here and continue taking care of my father then I suggest you remember whose house this is and make it a point to treat me with respect as well as the rest of my pack. Because if you don't play nice, I'll make you regret it." He says looking me straight in the eyes almost piercing my soul.

Shit! I forgot there for a moment. Damnit! I can't afford to be acting this way. He's right, I can't risk losing this opportunity and definitely can't risk having the witch council hear about this.

So I try and hide my worries and hold my head back up high while looking back at him.

"Fine! But you too in return do the same for me and be sure to treat ME with respect." I fire back.

He looks at me for a moment more and at this point I am not so sure in what to think. Normally I am good at reading people's thoughts but not his for some reason.

Next he starts to get close enough to my face, making me start to step back until I am stopped by the foot of the stairwell railing.  Then he leans forward, begins to grin in a mischievous way as he places one of his hands against the wall beside my face.

"Trust me, you won't last long here. Besides, I don't take orders, I GIVE them Princess." He winks and smirks at me.

Princess?! What the fuck?! Hell no he didn't just nickname me. That's something you do to someone you know. He doesn't know me and I am DEFINITELY not ever going to be that for him.

He then pushes himself off the wall and starts to walk away but before he leaves the room, I call out to him one last time before I leave for the day.

"The name is Alicyn by the way! Get it right!" I then grab my bag from off the counter and slam the door behind me before he has a chance to say anything back.

I swear that if HE thinks he can treat me like that then he has another thing coming! I am NOT in the mood for his childish behavior. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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