CHAPTER 11: Alicyn

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One week has passed by now since I was at Bordane's place last and saw him feeling MORE than better.  I have had more than enough on my plate lately and now am trying to focus on what to do to survive with everything that's been going on.

Things have gotten much worse than I ever thought they could be in these last couple of weeks. For one, the town nearby that used to be filled with family-owned shops were all nearly gone. My friends I had known for so long had seemed to be leaving before things got any worse. Though thankfully I still had my best friend Irena.

I wasn't sure how things could possibly get any worse, but, I know I need to be prepared.

Today I was planting some more herbs in the small little area on the side of my house, where I had several potting plants attached to the wall already where just the right amount of sunlight hits.  

I walked out towards the front of the house after hearing a car coming down the road. When the person got out, I saw it was Foley?!?

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded from him.

"I mean no trouble. I found Irena here on the side of the road, she was about to be taken by a group of wolves and when I helped her out, she told me to bring her to you." He explains while getting her out of the car and carrying her bridal style towards me.

"Oh my god." I mumble as I notice deep claw marks that have been ran up and down her flesh.

My best friend. What is happening?! Whoever did this will pay for it-I'll make sure of it!

I quickly have him bring her inside but he stops at the barrier because of the 'Anti-Wolf' one I had created. Damnit, I forgot.

"I'll be right back." I tell him.

I then quickly run inside and grab the powder that breaks the barrier, then sprinkle some of it in a small opening area he can walk through because the house itself has no barrier, since there's no need for one inside because one is already around the perimeter.

He then follows me inside and carries her into my bedroom and lays her down.

"Please, go into the living room and bring me the blue shaded jar. Also, bring me a bowl of warm water and a cloth that are both by the kitchen sink." I tell him.

She begins to groan in pain and I take hold of her hand.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna heal you." I tell her.

Her face had smears of dirt and dried up tears along with blood all over it.

"I-I don't know what happened." She winces and painfully cries.

"Shh. Save your strength. We'll talk about it later." I tell her.

Foley then hurries back inside the room and I have him first hand me the cloth while I have him hold the bowl.

I start to gently clean up the blood enough so I could sew her flesh together a little.

I then quickly reach into the bowl of needles  and thread I had in my night stand, then look at her quickly.

"This is gonna hurt." I say before I next have him make sure to try and hold her down while I began stitching together her skin.

Every time the needle pierced through her skin and I pulled the thread tight, she screamed and tried to wriggle. Thank God Foley was here and strong enough to hold her down while I finished up. My heart was ripping at the strings from her cries.

Next, I placed the gel-like substance in the blue jar onto her wounds and in a few days, she would be healed. This stuff also though, helps with the pain and helps keep her from feeling the amount anyone normally would when having their flesh shredded.

I made her some tea to help her sleep and she fell asleep right away while I walked out and quietly closed the door behind me.

I leaned back against the door for a moment and cried as I was still in a shock of terror from what just happened and how fast it was.

Then I looked down at my hands and saw her blood all over them. That's when I nearly lost it and began to shake a little bit. However, I stopped myself the moment I looked up and noticed Foley was still here, looking concerned.

"Thank you for helping her." I tell him while wiping tears from my eyes.

"Of course." He says with his hands in his pockets.

I briefly excuse myself to wash my hands in the bathroom and pull myself together more before walking back out to where he was.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"Something to drink, please." He says.

"Sure. What would you like? I have beer, tea, water, coffee?" I began naming off.

"I'll take a beer, thanks." He replies and sits down on the couch.

I grab myself a water then hand him his beer before sitting down in a chair a few feet away. I immediately address the looks of concern upon his face.

We both sat there for a few moments without saying anything.

"We aren't all alike, you know?!" He says.

Him saying that makes me stop and think of how random that was, yet curious at the same time as to the meaning behind it.

"I know. I don't judge any kind by just a few assholes acting stupid and crazy." I tell him.

He nods his head and looks down real quick.

"Look, I know you don't know me and Alpha Rogan, hasn't necessarily been welcoming or any of that but, if you ever need anything, let me know." He offers.

"If I need anything?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yeah. You see, my Aunt used to be married to a witch. Her and I were like best friends and I used to see her a lot because she was my escape from my parents who were jerks.  She taught me a lot. I used to even pretend if I studied hard enough that eventually, I could become a Sorcerer or witch also." He chuckles to himself as do I.

"But I knew in reality that would never happen. One of the things I had learned though was that our kinds were not too different from each other. We all have different backgrounds and were what some would consider as 'outcasts'." He stops himself for a moment with a scowling look upon his face before continuing.

"One night, her and her partner were sleeping and were woken up to being viciously attacked by a group of rogues who had broken in." He stops himself and I can tell he is becoming upset more, but then quickly shakes his head and smiles at me before downing the rest of his beer.

"Anyways, I've gotta get going. Thanks for the beer and remember, I can help you out. I still know people and have connections." He tells me.

"Thanks." I tell him. "I might take you up on that sometime." I smiled at the thought and kind gesture. It truly was surprising to hear but also, refreshing.

"Sure." He smiles. "Also, let me know how she is." He struggles to say.

"Okay." I replied not thinking too much about the interest in her well-being.

After he leaves, I take a few moments to think about all that just went on. Not just with him and how random that all just was but that Irena was attacked.

Something was going on. Something serious, and I needed to find out. We're these rogues like others? Or could they be something entirely different?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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