CHAPTER 12: Rogan

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"Where the hell have you been?!" I snapped at Foley the moment he walks in through the door.

"Woah. Relax. I had an emergency." He says with hands up in surrender.

"An emergency?! Like what? And why the hell didn't you link me to say something?! You know better!" I snapped.

"Chill Alpha! It's been a long fucking day and the last thing I wanna hear is your ass bitching and acting like my father!" He snaps at me.

I was fuming with rage as soon as he talked snapped back at me like he just did. Something was up and I needed to find out what.

"You and I, in the office, NOW." I seethed through gritted teeth.

We both head into the office and lock the door behind us.

"You gonna put me on a time out Alpha?!" He jokes.

"How long have we been friends?!" I asked.

"What?!" He asked.

"You heard me." I tell him.

"Too damn long." He replies while rolling his eyes.

"What's been up with you lately? You've been acting all weird for the last week or so. So what the hell is going on?!" I asked.

"Nothing." He replies then walks over at the window that overlooks the woods out back.

I knew him too well. I knew there was something he wasn't telling me and honestly, that wasn't like him. So I took in a few breaths then let them out to calm myself down before saying anything else.

"Come on. You aren't just my Beta, we're like brothers." I tell him.

"Brothers? I don't know man. I don't know anymore about that. Besides, I am not the one keeping shit to themselves." He glares at me after saying the last part.

"Don't try and change the subject." I tell him.

"Why not?! You may be the Alpha and shit but don't be giving me a speech about how we are brothers and best friends and everything when CLEARLY shit is happening and you aren't telling me anything!" He snaps at me with his arms crossed.

I then let out a breath of frustration and run my fingers through my hair before I go and sit down on the edge of the desk before starting to tell him everything. Well, ALMOST everything with my father and the council's opinion.

"This is so pathetic." He says after I finish telling him.

"Listen, I know things haven't been ideal here, but soon, this will all be over with." I promise him.

He's quiet for a moment after scoffing before eventually saying something while looking out the window again.

"Do you ever think things happen for a reason, Rogan?" He asks.

"What? Like fate?" I asked.

"Yes and no." He continues and looks back at me. "I guess what I'm saying is, have you ever thought about if you became the new Head Elder and about changing certain things?" He mumbles the last part.

"Like what?" I asked confused. "Like what you were just talking about?"

The way he snaps at me this time, I could tell he felt strongly about it and always has, as have I, but he is more upset about it than he has been before and felt like there had to be a reason behind it.

"Like fixing the fucking division between everyone, first off?!" He snaps then calms himself down a little. "Things weren't always like this. My Aunt used to tell me about it all the time, how everybody got along better and there was more equality when she was growing up. Then somehow wolves created this bullshit thing with other councils." He stops himself to calm down some more.

What bullshit is he talking about? If he thinks that the Elders (especially my father) would have ever agreed to take over and control others-causing the division, then he needs to be careful because those types of accusations could be deadly.

Now, I agree with him and would love there to be no more divisions and animosity. However, things aren't that simple and I have mentioned before there are many things that need to be done for even a Head Elder to make something into an official law of some sort.

"You know I do, Foley. But you also need to remember that although I would be the Head Elder, I still have to go through the council. Not to mention the fact that there are SOME kinds who need to remember their places. There needs to be order."

"Now you're sounding like your father." He comments. "We don't have to become enemies with each other." He mutters the last part to himself.

I HATE nothing more than to be compared to that asshole and he knows it too! Is he trying to anger me?!? What the hell is with all these low blows for towards me anyways?!? What the hell is REALLY bothering him?

"Look, I know you aren't all too happy right now for whatever reason, but don't be starting shit that could jeopardize everything." I snapped at him.

"Just tell me Rogan. Even when it's wrong, would you still be trying to please the council more than everyone else? What if you don't agree with their decisions? I mean, think about this Rogan, you will have the power and ability to change things for the better." He says.

"What is going on with you? Why are you all of a sudden bringing this up anyhow?!" I asked.

He looks away before looking at me again and this time, I can tell he is fighting back the urge to cry and holding back anger.

"I've met someone. We're mates and...." He started to say and a part of me was irritated because I don't believe in the whole mate thing or trust it neither, but I also was happy for him as his best friend, at the same time and know how important it has always been for him to find one.

"And what? Who is she?!" I asked now worrying as I can see hesitance on his face.

"Her name is Irena. She's a Witch. We met a week ago while I was walking around town." He began. "Then today, I found her on the side of the road, slowly limping as she was attacked by who she said were rogues. So I took her to Alicyn's house where she's now helping her and found out that they're best friends." He struggles in saying.

So that's why he didn't mention where he had gone off to and why he hadn't been back at the house for a meeting with the Pack?

"You went to Alicyn's house? Why didn't you just take her to the hospital in their town?" I asked.

"Because it isn't there anymore." He tells me in a harsh tone. "Alpha, businesses have been shut down, people have moved or have been taken away. The town now looks like an abandoned place that hasn't seen a sign of life in a while." He says irritated.

Wow! I didn't know things were ever that bad. In fact, I wonder if my father knows about it. Wait, of course he would.

It's true, I hate witches for my own personal reason, but at the same time, I can't help but think in the back of my head about what he said with the councilmen possibly being the reason for all of this bullshit going on. About THIS even.

I wondered if the council knew about it even. If they aren't, then maybe they can help figure out who is doing all of it and put a stop to it all right away.

I'm sure that Foley is telling me the truth in what he heard from his Aunt but at the same time, I can't fathom for one second that our kind are the reason behind all of that.

I can tell this is eating him up however, pretty badly and I genuinely wanted to help him out. So I promised I would get to the bottom of it and find out what all was going on ASAP.

Damn, why the hell do I keep adding things to my plate?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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