CHAPTER 10: Rogan

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I knew my father wasn't severely hurt. I mean, now he suddenly feels a lot better and just throws a party for celebration?! Yeah, not buying the whole act in how he supposedly was 'hurt.'

While walking around and having a few drinks, I noticed through the sea of people here, Alicyn stomped up the stairwell towards my father's bedroom and I immediately followed after her, not too far behind to see what she was doing-she better not be stealing anything.

When she opened the door before I was able to open the door, we seemed to have startled each other a little bit.

"I was just grabbing my things." She tells me and then walks right passed me.

Not sure exactly why, but just her brushing passed me, I suddenly began to feel the way I did with my other two mates I used to be with and the effects I had. Except, at the same time, this one was different as it felt more intensified than the other times.

"Do you think maybe she......" My wolf asks me.

"Don't be stupid! Now leave it alone!" I snapped at him.

I next turn around and begin heading back downstairs to join the party that my father decided he should throw for himself because it's his birthday.

A few Days Later

Throughout the next few days, I was busy trying to go over the plans that my dad had in place with what all more steps he needed me to take to complete the process for me to soon take his place as Head Elder.

Today, we were both in his office and he seemed a little different than I am used to. He has been acting a little nicer than he has ever been since I could remember and acts like he was entirely healed and all better. I guess I can say I got my stubbornness from him since that's what I believe is why he's acting all 'better' now.

"So, what are the plans?" I ask.

"Son, I know your anxious and in much of a hurry to see me hand over my title to you. But as I told you before, you still fail to have what it takes for me to do that. There is still  much you need to improve on first." He begins.

"Unbelievable! You are so pathetic!" I snap at him.

"And how is that?" He fires back.

"Because you have put me through so much, throughout my entire life and all I have ever done was exactly whatever you wanted. Yet still, it seems it isn't good enough. I'm sure that's why you kicked me out years ago." I tell him.

"Now you listen to me. You left on your own because you couldn't handle things here. And that's one of the reasons I can't just give you my title. You can't run from things. You can't just do whatever it is you want to, when you want. Now, I know you are physically strong, very smart and clever. You make a great Alpha, the council and I have never had a doubt of that. But I still don't see you being ready to take my place as the new Head Council." He says.

I try holding in my anger right now. How dare he! He has some fucking nerve!

"Calm down. Things will all come in to play soon enough. Remember, if you lose your temper with him now, then he will never give you another chance." My wolf reminds me and calms me down.

I took in a deep breath then let it out before replying. I guess I don't really have a choice.

"Fine." I struggle to tell him yet in the most convincing sincere tone I had at the same time.

He looked at me suspiciously for a brief moment before he smiles a little and nodded his head.

"Good. Well, I need to head to the hall and meet up with the Elders to go over a few things but I'll return." He says while standing up out of the chair.

"They aren't there." I tell him.

"What was that? How do you know? Where did they go?" He asks confused.

"They just said they were leaving town for a few months when I went to see them the other day." I replied.

The look on his face was bewilderment and had me wondering as to what he was thinking.

My dad was always good at that and actually was the one who trained me not to let others be able to hear what I was thinking.

"Well, I still need to catch up with a few things. So we'll discuss this more and go over the details later on. Alright?" He tells me.

"Fine." I replied holding in the frustration.

We both headed out the office and as soon as I saw him leave the driveway, I next hear Foley and a couple of the guys come up behind me.

"So, how did that go?" Foley asks.

"I don't know exactly what he's up to or what game he's playing at but, I am going to beat him-whatever it is." I tell him.

"Okay......what does that mean?" Foley asks.

"It means that no matter how I act or what I do, just go along with it and we will all be fine soon enough." I smirked.

"I have seen that look in your eyes before Alpha. Things never turn out good." He says concerned.

"This is nothing like the other times. This will be different and will once and for all,
be when my dad gives me the title." I tell him.

"Okay....." Foley replies not sounding like he completely believes me. "Why don't you tell me what's going on?!" He asks.

I haven't told him really in what the Elder at the meeting the other day was about. Which I do feel bad because I never keep things from him but I can't risk anyone getting in the way or trying to stop me. Because I have made up my mind after my 'discussion' just moments ago with my dad, that I will try and find out all that I can.

I thought I would be able to trust him if I told him what was going on but after hearing him practically defend Alicyn the other day and not to mention at the party, inviting her to stay, that made me question where his mentality was at about their kinds. It was almost like him and the guys were okay with her.

They just haven't experienced or have gone through what all I did with witches and more like her kind, as much as I have throughout my life. And I don't care to explain to them neither about my experiences.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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