CHAPTER 15: Alicyn

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Never thought I would ever say this but, being around Rogan for the past week almost everyday while hanging out with Irena and Foley, has been real nice and not so bad.

I've also taken notice that he seems to not be so negative and have a scowling look upon his face like he used to all the time.

His father had left a few days ago out of town to try and get in contact with the council for something that he wouldn't tell Rogan for but whatever, I was still upset with his father in not taking it easy.

Tonight, Irena and I had gotten ready at what I now call 'our' place and waited for Foley and Rogan to come and pick us up to take us into town to a bar neither of us have been to before. We're both excited as it was one where everyone could come and hang out at-no matter who you were.

It was located not too far from here and was only a place you heard about by word of mouth.

Tonight was going to be fun. We seemed to be all getting along now and all of Rogan's pack were even gonna meet us there.

The moment they pulled up, when Irena and I had gone outside to meet them, we saw they were on their bikes. Oh god, I'm in a skirt. I wish they would have said something. I'm gonna be freezing.

"Hey ladies! You both look great!" Foley comments at us.

Irena gives him a kiss as I lock the door and when I walk up to Rogan, I see him eyeing me up and down and I start to feel all tingly inside. Which is weird. However, I like it at the same time.

"You look real good-I mean great." He quickly corrects himself-which I thought was cute.

"Thanks. You look real good too." I smiled.

"Here." He hands me a helmet and has me hold his hand while I try and get onto the bike and once I'm on, I next put the helmet on then place my hands around his waist and holy shit, his abs.

Geez, I need to control myself. Oh god.

We start to take off and despite how cold it is right now, thankfully he is really warm and I can be close enough to warm up a bit.

After we arrived and parked, I tried pulling my skirt down a bit and fixing myself a little to look presentable again and I noticed him chuckling a little.

"What?" I asked.

"You still look good. Don't worry." He winks at me.

"Thanks." I smiled as I felt good but yet still not use to him being so nice to me.

I am not sure how genuine this new attitude of his is but I'll still accept it and go with the flow.

Once we got inside, the place was packed and was filled with a sea of people. I wasn't even sure we would be able to have enough room to dance or grab a drink even without pushing our way through the crowd. Yet, somehow we did.

Now, I knew Rogan was popular but hadn't realized just how much he was until every step we took towards the bar, people were saying 'hi' to him. It was almost as if he was famous and I guess in a way he is, so it makes sense.

When we finished grabbing our drinks, we found a small table off in the corner and took a seat. We cheersed to Irena and Foley and their relationship and to having a great time tonight.

The music being played was awesome and the energy in here was great as well as we all got up and danced.

There were no worries or hatred or anything in here. Everyone was here just to have fun and to escape from 'reality'.

Throughout the night, Rogan had stayed close by and mainly danced with me. It didn't bother me much seeing as to how I was starting to enjoy being around him.

Then again, that could have just been the alcohol talking, although I'm not drunk and just a little buzzed.

Next, I excuse myself for a moment to start heading towards the bathroom and wasn't gone for too long, so imagine to my surprise, I was shocked that by the time I had returned, Rogan was already talking to some other girl. I knew right away she was a wolf by her scent.

I don't know why it seemed to start bothering me so much, that I was seeing him talking to another girl. It's not like we're together or anything. Still, it bothered me.

When I couldn't see Irena or Foley anywhere, I started walking towards the bar and ordered myself another red drink I had gotten earlier.

After being handed the drink, I started taking sips of it and turned around to try and look for Foley and Irena when my eyes instead landed on Rogan and the girl he was dancing with still.

He glances over at me and smiles then winks, but I just roll my eyes and turn back around to finish my drink.

I seriously need to not feel what I am feeling right now. Plus, not to mention the fact that I already knew he was a player anyways. I don't seriously know what I was thinking or why I feel remotely surprised this was happening.

I don't know, I guess maybe in the back of my head and deep down inside I was thinking......No! I am not going to think like that. That would be idiotic.

Doesn't matter anyways, I'm gonna continue to enjoy myself and after I finish with this drink, I'm going to head back out onto the dancefloor and continue having fun.

Right as soon as I finished downing the last of my drink, I turned around and saw a good looking guy who I could tell was a Sorcerer and he smiled at me.

"You wanna dance?" He asks.

"Yeah." I replied with a smile, just a brief moment after shaking the shocked feeling away then he took my hand in his and lead us out onto the dancefloor and we started dancing together.

He had his arm around my waist and mine around his neck as we danced up against  each other. He was cute and fit the profile of what some would call 'tall, dark and handsome.'

I would never be with a Sorcerer though because most of the ones I have ever known in my life have had the same amount of cockiness if not more than Alpha's and were jerks also.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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