CHAPTER 6: Rogan

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What the hell was her problem last night?! She better watch herself or else. And sure, maybe it wasn't nice to read her thoughts but I couldn't help it. It is out of habit from purely trying to be more prepared. Not to mention that my Beta, Foley told me about what happened yesterday and what she 'warned' them about.

He didn't make a big deal out of it and I was a little surprised, if not upset as well, that he didn't remind her about whose house this was.

If she steps out of line again, I am going to let her have it and remind her to the point she makes sure she NEVER crosses the line again.

Today she seemed to have stayed in my dad's room most of the time and I had walked in at one point even, during a Reiki session I've heard it being called before, that supposedly helps the healing process.

That stuff is part of her witchery and she just better make sure she doesn't hurt him anymore than he already is.

Although I am not sure exactly in what she is giving my dad or doing, he does seem to be getting better and is able to rest more than I think I have ever seen him before while growing up.

The guys had all just ordered some beer, pizza and wings and we all were sitting in the living room, watching some Hulu when we noticed her come downstairs finally and grab her bag on her way out.

"Hey, wait!" Foley calls out while getting up and walking towards her.

"Yeah?" She replies and turns to look at him.

"I have something for ya." He mentions and then pulls out a cigar-sized-box and hands it to her.

She opens it up and looks in it with a look of surprise.

"Oh my god, where did you find these?" She asks him.

"I know some people. And I wanted to apologize about those herbs and stuff you had in those bottles. I have had some knowledge on what they did and since a few of us guys had gotten hurt the other night, we needed something to help us." He tells her.

Why is he apologizing to her for that? And since when does he know about all of that magic stuff?!?

"Wow. Thank you." She smiles at him and gives him a hug while looking as though she is teary eyed.

"Of course. It was the least I could do." He tells her.

"I appreciate it. You have no idea how much this means to me." She tells him then heads out as he grabs a couple more slices of pizza and heads back in to continue watching TV with us.

"What was that all about?" I asked as I took a drink from my beer.

"Nothing." He shrugged his shoulders up and down. "I just owed her." He says before inhaling his pizza.

He didn't have to apologize to her though. Besides, she can always go into town to one of her friends shops and get some or even grow them at her own place. Which, why isn't she doing that?!?

Two Weeks Later

The elder who was Second in Command right below my father in rank, along with others in the council had requested for me to come to the hall and have a meeting with them.

So today, after getting ready, I got there and was right away greeted with the two guards standing in front of the entrance, before I was next escorted by the secretary of the Wolf Council into the chambers where the meetings were always held.

I haven't been inside here for a while and honestly, have forgotten most of it's decorum. There were wooden carvings that were centuries old and have been there since the beginning of our kind's existence, as was with the rest of this building. The wood was dark red oak and the desks were carved from stones that once held up one of the many castles here, who also were once owned by councilmen.

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